On Topic: Fiber Fuels Rural Communities’ Economic Future

On Topic: Fiber Fuels Rural Communities’ Economic Future

On Topic: Fiber Fuels Rural Communities’ Economic Future

Did you know every dollar invested in broadband returns nearly 4 dollars to the economy?

With the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) state allocations announced on June 26, states are now proactively creating plans to build high speed broadband networks to the unserved and underserved – all the way down to the last home or business on the farthest dirt road of every community.

In this On Topic, you’ll get a deep look at the critical impact fiber is making in rural communities. You’ll see how providers are able to make such a profound difference in these economies, as well as the technical “how-to” that makes these accomplishments possible.

Tags: broadband, FTTx, internet, optical fiber


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