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Prof. Julia Mundy Promotion | DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS

Prof. Julia Mundy Promotion | DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS

Prof. Julia Mundy Promotion | DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS

Congratulations to Prof. Julia Mundy, who was promoted to the position of John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Natural Sciences and of Engineering and Applied Sciences, in recognition of her outstanding research, teaching, and mentorship!

Mundy is making major contributions in the synthesis and characterization of quantum materials which has important implications for our understanding of emergent phenomena, including superconductivity and quantum spin liquids, as well as for future technological applications in quantum sensing, communications and computing. Of particular note, Mundy’s group discovered the first family of nickelates that superconduct (carry electricity without energy loss) intrinsically and can be tuned cleanly by dimensionality rather than disordered doping. Within a similar nickelate family, Mundy’s group also found a metallic antiferromagnet with an order-of-magnitude higher signature in angle-dependent magnetoresistance, which could open the door for new spintronics applications. Mundy’s breadth of impact is also exemplified by her group’s first synthesis of thin films of possible quantum spin liquid materials, and thick films of high optoelectronic coefficient materials

Mundy has mentored an astounding 49 junior scientists in her five years at Harvard, many of whom have expressed heartfelt gratitude for her kindness and the crucial role she has played in helping them to gain confidence, awards, graduate school acceptance, and dream jobs. She has been instrumental in securing additional funding from numerous sources to provide opportunities for dozens of students to pursue educational research free of financial concerns. For the last six years, Mundy has taught Physics 15A (introductory mechanics) and Physics / Applied Physics 195A (introduction to solid state physics), with off-charts teaching evaluations and steadily increasing enrollment spanning several schools and departments. She has an outstanding record of service, both within Harvard and at the national and international level as a conference organizer and journal editorial board member.

34.5 Complexity and Chaos – College Physics

34.5 Complexity and Chaos – College Physics


  • Explain complex systems.
  • Discuss chaotic behavior of different systems.

Much of what impresses us about physics is related to the underlying connections and basic simplicity of the laws we have discovered. The language of physics is precise and well defined because many basic systems we study are simple enough that we can perform controlled experiments and discover unambiguous relationships. Our most spectacular successes, such as the prediction of previously unobserved particles, come from the simple underlying patterns we have been able to recognize. But there are systems of interest to physicists that are inherently complex. The simple laws of physics apply, of course, but complex systems may reveal patterns that simple systems do not. The emerging field of complexity is devoted to the study of complex systems, including those outside the traditional bounds of physics. Of particular interest is the ability of complex systems to adapt and evolve.

What are some examples of complex adaptive systems? One is the primordial ocean. When the oceans first formed, they were a random mix of elements and compounds that obeyed the laws of physics and chemistry. In a relatively short geological time (about 500 million years), life had emerged. Laboratory simulations indicate that the emergence of life was far too fast to have come from random combinations of compounds, even if driven by lightning and heat. There must be an underlying ability of the complex system to organize itself, resulting in the self-replication we recognize as life. Living entities, even at the unicellular level, are highly organized and systematic. Systems of living organisms are themselves complex adaptive systems. The grandest of these evolved into the biological system we have today, leaving traces in the geological record of steps taken along the way.

Complexity as a discipline examines complex systems, how they adapt and evolve, looking for similarities with other complex adaptive systems. Can, for example, parallels be drawn between biological evolution and the evolution of economic systems? Economic systems do emerge quickly, they show tendencies for self-organization, they are complex (in the number and types of transactions), and they adapt and evolve. Biological systems do all the same types of things. There are other examples of complex adaptive systems being studied for fundamental similarities. Cultures show signs of adaptation and evolution. The comparison of different cultural evolutions may bear fruit as well as comparisons to biological evolution. Science also is a complex system of human interactions, like culture and economics, that adapts to new information and political pressure, and evolves, usually becoming more organized rather than less. Those who study creative thinking also see parallels with complex systems. Humans sometimes organize almost random pieces of information, often subconsciously while doing other things, and come up with brilliant creative insights. The development of language is another complex adaptive system that may show similar tendencies. Artificial intelligence is an overt attempt to devise an adaptive system that will self-organize and evolve in the same manner as an intelligent living being learns. These are a few of the broad range of topics being studied by those who investigate complexity. There are now institutes, journals, and meetings, as well as popularizations of the emerging topic of complexity.

In traditional physics, the discipline of complexity may yield insights in certain areas. Thermodynamics treats systems on the average, while statistical mechanics deals in some detail with complex systems of atoms and molecules in random thermal motion. Yet there is organization, adaptation, and evolution in those complex systems. Non-equilibrium phenomena, such as heat transfer and phase changes, are characteristically complex in detail, and new approaches to them may evolve from complexity as a discipline. Crystal growth is another example of self-organization spontaneously emerging in a complex system. Alloys are also inherently complex mixtures that show certain simple characteristics implying some self-organization. The organization of iron atoms into magnetic domains as they cool is another. Perhaps insights into these difficult areas will emerge from complexity. But at the minimum, the discipline of complexity is another example of human effort to understand and organize the universe around us, partly rooted in the discipline of physics.

A predecessor to complexity is the topic of chaos, which has been widely publicized and has become a discipline of its own. It is also based partly in physics and treats broad classes of phenomena from many disciplines. Chaos is a word used to describe systems whose outcomes are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. The orbit of the planet Pluto, for example, may be chaotic in that it can change tremendously due to small interactions with other planets. This makes its long-term behavior impossible to predict with precision, just as we cannot tell precisely where a decaying Earth satellite will land or how many pieces it will break into. But the discipline of chaos has found ways to deal with such systems and has been applied to apparently unrelated systems. For example, the heartbeat of people with certain types of potentially lethal arrhythmias seems to be chaotic, and this knowledge may allow more sophisticated monitoring and recognition of the need for intervention.

Chaos is related to complexity. Some chaotic systems are also inherently complex; for example, vortices in a fluid as opposed to a double pendulum. Both are chaotic and not predictable in the same sense as other systems. But there can be organization in chaos and it can also be quantified. Examples of chaotic systems are beautiful fractal patterns such as in Figure 1. Some chaotic systems exhibit self-organization, a type of stable chaos. The orbits of the planets in our solar system, for example, may be chaotic (we are not certain yet). But they are definitely organized and systematic, with a simple formula describing the orbital radii of the first eight planets and the asteroid belt. Large-scale vortices in Jupiter’s atmosphere are chaotic, but the Great Red Spot is a stable self-organization of rotational energy. (See Figure 2.) The Great Red Spot has been in existence for at least 400 years and is a complex self-adaptive system.

The emerging field of complexity, like the now almost traditional field of chaos, is partly rooted in physics. Both attempt to see similar systematics in a very broad range of phenomena and, hence, generate a better understanding of them. Time will tell what impact these fields have on more traditional areas of physics as well as on the other disciplines they relate to.

34.5 Complexity and Chaos – College Physics
Figure 1. This image is related to the Mandelbrot set, a complex mathematical form that is chaotic. The patterns are infinitely fine as you look closer and closer, and they indicate order in the presence of chaos. (credit: Gilberto Santa Rosa)
The picture shows what looks like a flowing orangish liquid into which some milk has been mixed. The main features are two eddies or vortices: a larger one that is a darker orange than the background and the other, smaller one, that is more milky than the background.
Figure 2. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is an example of self-organization in a complex and chaotic system. Smaller vortices in Jupiter’s atmosphere behave chaotically, but the triple-Earth-size spot is self-organized and stable for at least hundreds of years. (credit: NASA)
  • Complexity is an emerging field, rooted primarily in physics, that considers complex adaptive systems and their evolution, including self-organization.
  • Complexity has applications in physics and many other disciplines, such as biological evolution.
  • Chaos is a field that studies systems whose properties depend extremely sensitively on some variables and whose evolution is impossible to predict.
  • Chaotic systems may be simple or complex.
  • Studies of chaos have led to methods for understanding and predicting certain chaotic behaviors.

Conceptual Questions

1: Must a complex system be adaptive to be of interest in the field of complexity? Give an example to support your answer.

2: State a necessary condition for a system to be chaotic.


an emerging field devoted to the study of complex systems
word used to describe systems the outcomes of which are extremely sensitive to initial conditions

Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains – Physics World

Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains – Physics World

Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains – Physics World

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Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains – Physics World

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Shree Ram Ayodhya Murti, idol

Shree Ram Ayodhya Murti, idol

The Ram Lalla idol, which is installed at Ayodhya’s Ram temple has many significant religious symbols from Hinduism. All 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu are engraved on the idol. Notably, Lord Ram is the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Lord Vishnu avatars on Ram Lalla idol hold profound significance in the context of Lord Vishnu and Lord Ram and represent Hinduism and Sanatan Dharma. Each symbol represents divine blessings and positive cosmic energies.

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or Finished Product Purchase CONTACT US ON   Saitechlaser@gmail.com

Shree Ram Ayodhya Murti, idol
Ram Ayodhya idol , murti vector parts

Significance of 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu

The ten avatars of Lord Vishnu are collectively known as the Dashavatara

Vamana (The Dwarf): Represents humility and the control of ego, as well as the restoration of balance.

Narasimha (The Man-Lion): Signifies the simultaneous existence of man and animal and the triumph of good over evil.

Varaha (The Boar): Illustrates the rescue of the Earth and restoration of dharma.

Kurma (The Tortoise): Symbolizes support and stability during the churning of the cosmic ocean.

Matsya (The Fish): Represents preservation and the rescue of knowledge during the cosmic flood.

Parashurama (The Warrior with an Axe): Embodies the destruction of tyranny and the restoration of dharma through warfare.

Rama (The Prince of Ayodhya): Exemplifies righteousness, duty, and adherence to dharma, as depicted in the Ramayana.

Krishna (The Divine Cowherd): Represents divine love, compassion, and the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.

Buddha (The Enlightened One): Some traditions include Lord Buddha as an avatar, emphasizing non-violence, compassion, and enlightenment.

Kalki (The Future Warrior): Anticipated to appear in the future, Kalki symbolizes the end of the current age, the destruction of evil forces, and the establishment of righteousness.

Significance of OM, Shankha, Chakra, Gada, and Padma

The lotus (padma) represents peace and self-realization. It symbolizes the final goal of human evolution. By showing the lotus, Vishnu invites humanity to reach the goal of self-realization.

The mace (gada) in the third hand is meant as a warning to draw man’s attention to this law of nature. It means if you are not following the call of the conch (conscience) you get the warnings of the gada.

 The discus sword (chakra) in the fourth hand is meant to show man this inevitable end that he would reach if he were totally heedless to the warnings of nature. If you do not follow gada (the warnings of the mace) you will be annihilated, you own actions will finish you. Your own behavior will destroy you.

Shankha represents the syllable OM. When shankha is blown, the sound generated is that of OM. Arjuna’s shankh was unique in its own way, because when Arjuna blew his shankha it sounded like the thunderous clouds which generated fear in his enemy’s heart.

Download the Shree Ram Real Mandir Ayodhya statue,Murti,idol,Sculpture 

We at Sai Tech Laser, Pune offer Sheet metal CNC laser cutting metal wall arts which can be fitted on walls, homes – temples, halls, and elsewhere. The Photos shown here are actual sample cuts using 2 kw laser cutting machine. We can use any material, any thickness to cut this design.

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ram lalla vector design

This Vector File is prepared using vector software and then corrected for errors. MS sheet is used to laser cut this design.  The final Vector file has been sent to CNC programming . After cutting the total weight of the finished wall art was approximately 4 kg. Then this further metal part is fabricated and powder coated.

Ram idol cnc cutting , laser cutting
Ram idol CNC cutting , laser cutting

If you looking for a Dxf File, Shree ram Laser cutting, Shree ram Ayodhya idol vector File, ram Dxf File, Ram vector png, Shree ram Vector, Shri ram vector, Ram ji vector, lord ram vector, ram lalla murti vector, rama idol in Ayodhya laser cut

or Finished Product Purchase CONTACT US ON   Saitechlaser@gmail.com

Thank You, Jai Shree Ram, 

Ram aayodhya idol metal wall art
Ram Ayodhya idol metal wall art

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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Germanium is one of the elements used in the manufacturing process to dope the core of the optical fiber and create the precise refractive index design that enables its light-guiding performance. It is a rare and finite metal resource so recycling it can help to ensure that there is enough germanium to meet future needs. As the world becomes more interconnected and the demand for our optical fiber cables continues to grow, we can use our germanium recycling expertise to meet this demand while also reducing costs and environmental impact.

Germanium Recycling Program | OFS
Germanium Filter Press, OFS Sturbridge, MA

Our Germanium Recycling Program is just one way that we are working to support ESG initiatives. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance, and it encompasses a wide range of responsible practices that we embrace throughout our organization. By investing in ESG initiatives such as our Germanium Recycling Program, we demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and environmentally responsible practices. We believe that ESG is important for both our business and the planet, and we are committed to doing our part to make a positive impact.

Tags: Sustainability

Luttra Woman: Difference between revisions

Luttra Woman: Difference between revisions


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[[File:Hallonflickan – Maginnehåll – Falbygdens museum.jpg|thumb|right|The Luttra Woman’s stomach contents consisting of raspberry seeds]]

[[File:Hallonflickan – Maginnehåll – Falbygdens museum.jpg|thumb|right|The Luttra Woman’s stomach contents consisting of raspberry seeds]]

Dahr assessed the skeleton as that of a young female.<ref name=”Sjögren_pp102″>{{cite journal |title=Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations |first1=Karl-Göran |last1=Sjögren |first2=Torbjörn |last2=Ahlström |first3=Malou |last3=Blank |first4=T. Douglas |last4=Price |first5=Karin Margarita |last5=Frei |journal=Journal of Neolithic Archaeology |issue=19 |date=2017 |pages=102 |doi=10.12766/jna.2017.4 |doi-access=free |issn=2197-649X |publisher=Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at [[Kiel University]] |location=Germany}}</ref> Gejvall initially estimated the individual to be a woman aged 20–25 years; however, Sjögren et al. later proposed in 2017 that an age range of 15–20 years was more appropriate.<ref name=”Sjögren_pp103″>{{cite journal |title=Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations |first1=Karl-Göran |last1=Sjögren |first2=Torbjörn |last2=Ahlström |first3=Malou |last3=Blank |first4=T. Douglas |last4=Price |first5=Karin Margarita |last5=Frei |journal=Journal of Neolithic Archaeology |issue=19 |date=2017 |pages=103 |doi=10.12766/jna.2017.4 |doi-access=free |issn=2197-649X |publisher=Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at [[Kiel University]] |location=Germany}}</ref> At the location of the former stomach, only a cluster of small yellow-brown seeds remained, subsequently identified as those of [[Rubus idaeus|European red raspberries]] (”Rubus idaeus”).<ref name=”Jensen”/> The substantial quantity of raspberries consumed shortly before death suggested a late summer death, likely in July or August.<ref name=”Bagge”>{{cite journal |last=Bagge |first=Axel |author-link=Axel Bagge |title=Ett märkligt skelettfynd från gånggriftstiden |trans-title=A remarkable skeletal find from the Middle Neolithic |pages=248–249 |journal=[[Fornvännen|Fornvännen. Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research]] |date=1947 |publisher=[[Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities]] |lang=sv |issn=0015-7813 |url=http://raa.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1224365/FULLTEXT01.pdf |access-date=2023-09-28 |via=[[DiVA (open archive)]] |archive-date=23 January 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230123134229/http://raa.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1224365/FULLTEXT01.pdf}}</ref> This final meal and her estimated age led to the nickname {{lang|sv|Hallonflickan}}, Swedish for ‘Raspberry Girl’.<ref name=”Jensen”/>{{efn|{{ill|Nils-Gustaf Gejvall|sv}} stated in his 1960 English-language monograph ”Westerhus: Medieval Population and Church in the Light of Skeletal Remains” that the Luttra Woman was “nowadays usually known under the name of “The Raspberry Girl” (Hallonflickan) […]”.<ref name=”Gejvall 1960″/>}}

Dahr assessed the skeleton as that of a young female.<ref name=”Sjögren_pp102″>{{cite journal |title=Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations |first1=Karl-Göran |last1=Sjögren |first2=Torbjörn |last2=Ahlström |first3=Malou |last3=Blank |first4=T. Douglas |last4=Price |first5=Karin Margarita |last5=Frei |journal=Journal of Neolithic Archaeology |issue=19 |date=2017 |pages=102 |doi=10.12766/jna.2017.4 |doi-access=free |issn=2197-649X |publisher=Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at [[Kiel University]] |location=Germany}}</ref> Gejvall initially estimated the individual to be a woman aged 20–25 years; however, Sjögren et al. later proposed in 2017 that an age range of 15–20 years was more appropriate.<ref name=”Sjögren_pp103″>{{cite journal |title=Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations |first1=Karl-Göran |last1=Sjögren |first2=Torbjörn |last2=Ahlström |first3=Malou |last3=Blank |first4=T. Douglas |last4=Price |first5=Karin Margarita |last5=Frei |journal=Journal of Neolithic Archaeology |issue=19 |date=2017 |pages=103 |doi=10.12766/jna.2017.4 |doi-access=free |issn=2197-649X |publisher=Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at [[Kiel University]] |location=Germany}}</ref> At the location of the former stomach, a cluster of small yellow-brown seeds remained, subsequently identified as those of [[Rubus idaeus|European red raspberries]] (”Rubus idaeus”).<ref name=”Jensen”/> The substantial quantity of raspberries consumed shortly before death suggested late summer, in July or August.<ref name=”Bagge”>{{cite journal |last=Bagge |first=Axel |author-link=Axel Bagge |title=Ett märkligt skelettfynd från gånggriftstiden |trans-title=A remarkable skeletal find from the Middle Neolithic |pages=248–249 |journal=[[Fornvännen|Fornvännen. Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research]] |date=1947 |publisher=[[Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities]] |lang=sv |issn=0015-7813 |url=http://raa.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1224365/FULLTEXT01.pdf |access-date=2023-09-28 |via=[[DiVA (open archive)]] |archive-date=23 January 2023 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230123134229/http://raa.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1224365/FULLTEXT01.pdf}}</ref> This final meal and her estimated age led to the nickname {{lang|sv|Hallonflickan}}, Swedish for ‘Raspberry Girl’.<ref name=”Jensen”/>{{efn|{{ill|Nils-Gustaf Gejvall|sv}} stated in his 1960 English-language monograph ”Westerhus: Medieval Population and Church in the Light of Skeletal Remains” that the Luttra Woman was “nowadays usually known under the name of “The Raspberry Girl” (Hallonflickan) […]”.<ref name=”Gejvall 1960″/>}}

Gejvall described her facial features as elegant and proportionally balanced, noting the consistency between her slender frame and the refined contours of her skull and jaw.<ref name=”Jensen”/> The individual was characterised by short stature, with an estimated height of {{cvt|145|cm|ftin}}. In a 1960 monograph, Gejvall remarked that this was the shortest stature he had encountered in Swedish archaeological material. He referenced Dahr’s study of remains from a Stone Age settlement on [[Gotland]], Sweden’s largest island, where the average female height was estimated at {{cvt|153|cm|ftin}}—a figure Gejvall considered distinctly short—as a point of comparison.<ref name=”Gejvall 1960″>{{cite book|title=Westerhus: Medieval Population and Church in the Light of Skeletal Remains |first=Nils-Gustaf |last=Gejvall |author-link=:sv:Nils-Gustaf Gejvall |pages=47–48 |oclc=1012246268 |url=https://archive.org/details/in.gov.ignca.50145 |via=[[Internet Archive]] |year=1960 |publisher={{ill|Håkan Ohlssons Book Printing|sv|Håkan Ohlssons boktryckeri}} |location=[[Lund]] |series=Monografier utgivna av Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien [Monographs published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities] |volume=43 |access-date=2024-10-03 }}</ref> Analysis of [[Isotopes of strontium|strontium]] and [[Isotopes of oxygen|oxygen isotope]] ratios in the [[tooth enamel]] from one of the Luttra Woman’s [[molar (tooth)|molars]] indicated that she likely originated from present-day [[Scania]], the southernmost region of Sweden, before relocating to the Falbygden area later in life.<ref>{{cite journal |title=Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations |first1=Karl-Göran |last1=Sjögren |first2=Torbjörn |last2=Ahlström |first3=Malou |last3=Blank |first4=T. Douglas |last4=Price |first5=Karin Margarita |last5=Frei |journal=Journal of Neolithic Archaeology |issue=19 |date=2017 |pages=109–111 |doi=10.12766/jna.2017.4 |doi-access=free |issn=2197-649X |publisher=Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at [[Kiel University]] |location=Germany}}</ref>{{efn|[[Strontium]] is incorporated into bones and teeth due to its similarity to [[calcium]], and the distribution of [[isotopes of strontium|strontium isotopes]] tends to vary significantly from one geographical location to another. This is why the strontium signature in an individual’s calcified structures can help determine the region they came from.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Steadman |first1=Luville T. |last2=Brudevold |first2=Finn |last3=Smith |first3=Frank A. |title=Distribution of strontium in teeth from different geographic areas |journal=[[The Journal of the American Dental Association]] |volume=57 |issue=3 |year=1958 |pages=340–344 |doi=10.14219/jada.archive.1958.0161 |pmid=13575071 |issn=0002-8177}}</ref> Strontium incorporated in a developing tooth, in particular, does not change, partly because there is no blood supply to [[dentine]] or [[tooth enamel]].<ref>{{cite journal |journal=[[The British Medical Journal]] |volume=2 |issue=5422 |date=5 December 1964 |page=1411 |title=Strontium-90 In Teeth |doi=10.1136/bmj.2.5422.1411 |s2cid=20157450}}</ref>}} Attempts to extract DNA from her remains have been unsuccessful {{as of|January 2023|alt=as of January 2023}}, due to the degradation of the bones by the bog environment.<ref name=”Jensen”/>

Gejvall described her facial features as elegant and proportionally balanced, noting the consistency between her slender frame and the refined contours of her skull and jaw.<ref name=”Jensen”/> The individual was characterised by short stature, with an estimated height of {{cvt|145|cm|ftin}}. In a 1960 monograph, Gejvall remarked that this was the shortest stature he had encountered in Swedish archaeological material. He referenced Dahr’s study of remains from a Stone Age settlement on [[Gotland]], Sweden’s largest island, where the average female height was estimated at {{cvt|153|cm|ftin}}—a figure Gejvall considered distinctly short—as a point of comparison.<ref name=”Gejvall 1960″>{{cite book|title=Westerhus: Medieval Population and Church in the Light of Skeletal Remains |first=Nils-Gustaf |last=Gejvall |author-link=:sv:Nils-Gustaf Gejvall |pages=47–48 |oclc=1012246268 |url=https://archive.org/details/in.gov.ignca.50145 |via=[[Internet Archive]] |year=1960 |publisher={{ill|Håkan Ohlssons Book Printing|sv|Håkan Ohlssons boktryckeri}} |location=[[Lund]] |series=Monografier utgivna av Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien [Monographs published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities] |volume=43 |access-date=2024-10-03 }}</ref> Analysis of [[Isotopes of strontium|strontium]] and [[Isotopes of oxygen|oxygen isotope]] ratios in the [[tooth enamel]] from one of the Luttra Woman’s [[molar (tooth)|molars]] indicated that she likely originated from present-day [[Scania]], the southernmost region of Sweden, before relocating to the Falbygden area later in life.<ref>{{cite journal |title=Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations |first1=Karl-Göran |last1=Sjögren |first2=Torbjörn |last2=Ahlström |first3=Malou |last3=Blank |first4=T. Douglas |last4=Price |first5=Karin Margarita |last5=Frei |journal=Journal of Neolithic Archaeology |issue=19 |date=2017 |pages=109–111 |doi=10.12766/jna.2017.4 |doi-access=free |issn=2197-649X |publisher=Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at [[Kiel University]] |location=Germany}}</ref>{{efn|[[Strontium]] is incorporated into bones and teeth due to its similarity to [[calcium]], and the distribution of [[isotopes of strontium|strontium isotopes]] tends to vary significantly from one geographical location to another. This is why the strontium signature in an individual’s calcified structures can help determine the region they came from.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Steadman |first1=Luville T. |last2=Brudevold |first2=Finn |last3=Smith |first3=Frank A. |title=Distribution of strontium in teeth from different geographic areas |journal=[[The Journal of the American Dental Association]] |volume=57 |issue=3 |year=1958 |pages=340–344 |doi=10.14219/jada.archive.1958.0161 |pmid=13575071 |issn=0002-8177}}</ref> Strontium incorporated in a developing tooth, in particular, does not change, partly because there is no blood supply to [[dentine]] or [[tooth enamel]].<ref>{{cite journal |journal=[[The British Medical Journal]] |volume=2 |issue=5422 |date=5 December 1964 |page=1411 |title=Strontium-90 In Teeth |doi=10.1136/bmj.2.5422.1411 |s2cid=20157450}}</ref>}} Attempts to extract DNA from her remains have been unsuccessful {{as of|January 2023|alt=as of January 2023}}, due to the degradation of the bones by the bog environment.<ref name=”Jensen”/>

Neolithic bog body from Sweden

The Luttra Woman is a skeletonised bog body[a] from the Early Neolithic period (radiocarbon-dated 3928–3651 BC) that was discovered near Luttra, Sweden, on 20 May 1943. The skull was well-preserved, but some bones of the skeleton, particularly many between the skull and the pelvis, were absent. Osteological assessment identified the remains as those of a young female. Her estimated height of 145 cm (4 ft 9 in) was deemed notably short for a Stone Age woman of the region. The presence of raspberry seeds in her stomach contents, coupled with an estimated age of early to mid-twenties at death, led to her being nicknamed Hallonflickan (Swedish: [ˈhalɔnflɪkːˌan] ; lit.Raspberry Girl). As of 2015, she represented the earliest known Neolithic individual from Western Sweden.

Multiple anthropological studies revealed no evidence of injuries or fatal diseases on her remains. She appeared to have been bound and placed in shallow water at or shortly after her death. Axel Bagge, an archaeologist who collaborated on the initial examination of her remains, hypothesised that she had been deliberately drowned, either as a human sacrifice or as the victim of a witch execution. Since 1994, her skeleton has formed part of the permanent exhibition Forntid på Falbygden (‘Prehistory in Falbygden’) at the Falbygden Museum [sv] in Falköping, Sweden. In June 2011, a forensic reconstruction of her bust was incorporated to augment the display.

Luttra Woman: Difference between revisions
The Luttra Woman, displayed in the position in which she was discovered,[4] at the Falbygden Museum [sv]

On 20 May 1943, whilst cutting peat in Rogestorp—a raised bog within the Mönarpa mossar [sv] bog complex in Falbygden near Luttra—Carl Wilhelmsson, a resident of the neighbouring Kinneved parish [sv],[5] discovered one of the skeleton’s hands at a depth of 1.2 m (4 ft) below the surface.[1][6] Wilhelmsson alerted the police, who, recognising the likely antiquity of the remains due to their depth in the bog, ruled out the possibility of a prosecutable crime.[7] Falbygden, a rural area in southwestern Sweden with a predominantly agrarian economy,[8] was a notable site for the discovery of prehistoric human and animal skeletal remains. Between the 1920s and 1950s, during a period of widespread peat cutting in the region, Swedish antiquarians documented numerous such findings. The skeletal remains in Falbygden were often relatively well-preserved, a phenomenon attributed to the natural preservation process facilitated by the region’s carbonate-rich bedrock.[9]

Luttra Woman is located in Sweden

Luttra Woman
Location of the discovery site in Sweden

Wilhelmsson informed the local representative of the Swedish National Heritage Board, teacher and archaeologist Hilding Svensson [sv].[10] Svensson inspected the find the following day and forwarded a discovery report to the Board, requesting expert assistance.[1][11] In response, the Board dispatched geologist and archaeologist Karl Esaias Sahlström [sv; no], along with palynologist Carl Larsson, both from the Geological Survey of Sweden.[12] Upon arrival, they observed that the skeleton was in an upright position, with the detached skull rolled over such that the chin and foramen magnum pointed directly upwards.[4] A segment of the skeleton had been inadvertently cut through during Wilhelmsson’s peat extraction; nevertheless, the skull remained in its discovery position.[12] Sahlström, deeming a thorough in situ investigation impractical, arranged for the entire peat block containing the partially embedded skeleton to be excised. The block was placed on a Masonite board and, along with several loose bones found in the bog, was transported by train to the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm in a wooden box.[1][2][7] Upon receipt, osteologist and anthropologist Elias Dahr [sv] excavated the skeleton from the peat block.[2]

Three years prior to this discovery, a flint arrowhead had been unearthed in the same bog, approximately 6 m (20 ft) north of the skeleton’s location and at an equivalent depth. However, researchers were unable to determine whether the arrowhead and the skeleton had been deposited contemporaneously.[1]

The skeleton underwent its initial examination by Dahr following excavation.[15] Axel Bagge, an archaeologist who collaborated on Dahr’s examination, first reported the discovery in 1947 in the Swedish academic journal Fornvännen.[12] A subsequent, more comprehensive physical anthropological investigation was conducted by Sahlström, osteologist Nils-Gustaf Gejvall [sv], and anatomist Carl-Herman Hjortsjö; their findings, including a detailed description of the remains, were published in 1952.[15] In the intervening years, the skeleton has been subject to further scrutiny by additional researchers, notably archaeologist Sabine Sten [wikidata] and osteologist Torbjörn Ahlström [wikidata] during the 1990s, with Ahlström revisiting the study in the 2010s.[1][15]

Only portions of the skeleton had been preserved; the soft tissues had completely disintegrated and some bones, particularly many between the skull and the pelvis, were absent.[12] The skull was well-preserved, with only the inner nasal region partially degraded. The condition of the remaining bones was less favourable.[15] Pollen analysis dating indicated that the bones were slightly older than 4,000 years. As of 2017, radiocarbon dating had been employed on the skeleton three times: the first two analyses corroborated the pollen analysis result, whilst the third, conducted using accelerator mass spectrometry in 2015, yielded a range of 3928–3651 BC. This places the remains in the early or middle period of the Early Neolithic, establishing her as the earliest known Neolithic individual from Western Sweden at that time.[2]

The Luttra Woman’s stomach contents consisting of raspberry seeds

Dahr assessed the skeleton as that of a young female.[15] Gejvall initially estimated the individual to be a woman aged 20–25 years; however, Sjögren et al. later proposed in 2017 that an age range of 15–20 years was more appropriate.[14] At the location of the former stomach, a cluster of small yellow-brown seeds remained, subsequently identified as those of European red raspberries (Rubus idaeus).[1] The substantial quantity of raspberries consumed shortly before death suggested that the individual likely died in late summer, in July or August.[12] This final meal and her estimated age led to the nickname Hallonflickan, Swedish for ‘Raspberry Girl’.[1][b]

Gejvall described her facial features as elegant and proportionally balanced, noting the consistency between her slender frame and the refined contours of her skull and jaw.[1] The individual was characterised by short stature, with an estimated height of 145 cm (4 ft 9 in). In a 1960 monograph, Gejvall remarked that this was the shortest stature he had encountered in Swedish archaeological material. He referenced Dahr’s study of remains from a Stone Age settlement on Gotland, Sweden’s largest island, where the average female height was estimated at 153 cm (5 ft 0 in)—a figure Gejvall considered distinctly short—as a point of comparison.[17] Analysis of strontium and oxygen isotope ratios in the tooth enamel from one of the Luttra Woman’s molars indicated that she likely originated from present-day Scania, the southernmost region of Sweden, before relocating to the Falbygden area later in life.[18][c] Attempts to extract DNA from her remains have been unsuccessful as of January 2023, due to the degradation of the bones by the bog environment.[1]

Artist’s impression of the supposed human sacrifice ritual in which the Luttra Woman was drowned. By Gunnar Creutz, Falbygden Museum

The skull exhibited a perforation below the left eye socket, likely resulting from a chronic bone infection; otherwise, her remains bore no traces of injuries or diseases. Her legs were positioned in a tight squatting posture, with the calves resting against the thighs.[1] Bagge surmised that her legs had been bound, though the binding materials had not been preserved in the bog environment.[12] Sahlström noted that the skull’s imprint on the peat block suggested a prone position; Dahr concurred, concluding she had been lying face down.[21] She appeared to have been placed in shallow water at or shortly after her death, remaining undisturbed in this restrained position until the 1943 discovery.[22][d] Bagge postulated that she had been deliberately drowned, proposing the hypothesis that she was the victim of either a human sacrifice ritual or a witch execution.[12] Ahlström and Sten noted that some Early Neolithic remains in Denmark bore indications of similar sacrificial practices.[21] An alternative explanation posited that the bindings were part of a water burial ritual for the Luttra Woman’s corpse, following her death from unrelated causes.[22]

Exhibition and reconstruction


The 1945 text Tio tusen år i Sverige (‘Ten Thousand Years in Sweden’), which accompanied the Swedish History Museum’s exhibition of prehistoric and archaeological finds, did not mention the Luttra Woman, despite her remains being part of the exhibition at that time.[1] In the early 1970s, the skeleton was removed from display and placed in the museum’s storage facility under the inventory number SHM 23163.[1][24] In 1994, the skeleton was loaned to the Falbygden Museum [sv] in Falköping and made available for public viewing. Since then, it has been part of the museum’s permanent exhibition Forntid på Falbygden (‘Prehistory in Falbygden’).[1][25] The exhibition was expanded in June 2011 with a reconstructed bust of her, created by Oscar Nilsson, an archaeologist and model-maker trained in sculpture.[26] He had worked on commissions from museums to reconstruct Swedish remains from various historical periods—such as the Barum Woman (c. 7th millennium BC), the Granhammar Man [sv] (9th century BC), Estrid (11th century), and Birger Jarl (13th century)—using forensic methods originally developed to identify crime victims from their remains.[1][7]

To create the bust of the Luttra Woman, Nilsson arranged for her skull to be CT scanned at the Karolinska Institute, a research-focused medical university in Stockholm. Utilising the scanned data, he commissioned a full-scale replica of the skull to be 3D printed in polyvinyl chloride. Nilsson then manually affixed dozens of markers to the replica to indicate the estimated facial soft tissue thickness. Subsequently, he moulded facial muscles and a thin layer of clay skin onto the replica, sculpting the finer details of her facial features.[1] In an interview, Nilsson remarked that the skeleton appeared distinctly feminine to him. He shaped her face accordingly, incorporating a narrow nasal bridge, which resulted in what he described as “a fully modern appearance”, rather than the stereotypical visage of a Stone Age woman.[27] In the absence of DNA analysis, Nilsson was compelled to make assumptions regarding her hair and eye colour.[7]

  1. ^ The term bog body encompasses human remains with soft tissue and/or hair preserved in a bog, and skeletal remains “which can reasonably be assumed to have been deposited [in a bog] as a complete body”.[3]
  2. ^ Nils-Gustaf Gejvall [sv] stated in his 1960 English-language monograph Westerhus: Medieval Population and Church in the Light of Skeletal Remains that the Luttra Woman was “nowadays usually known under the name of “The Raspberry Girl” (Hallonflickan) […]”.[17]
  3. ^ Strontium is incorporated into bones and teeth due to its similarity to calcium, and the distribution of strontium isotopes tends to vary significantly from one geographical location to another. This is why the strontium signature in an individual’s calcified structures can help determine the region they came from.[19] Strontium incorporated in a developing tooth, in particular, does not change, partly because there is no blood supply to dentine or tooth enamel.[20]
  4. ^ Mönarpa mossar [sv] would have been, at least partly, shallow lakes during the Neolithic times.[23]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Jensen, Cecilia (2021). “Historien om Hallonflickan” [Story of the Raspberry Girl] (in Swedish). Falköping: Falbygdens Museum. Archived from the original on 26 August 2022. Retrieved 23 January 2023.
  2. ^ a b c d e Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 101. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  3. ^ Van Beek, Roy; Quik, Cindy; Bergerbrant, Sophie; Huisman, Floor; Kama, Pikne (2023). “Bogs, bones and bodies: the deposition of human remains in northern European mires (9000 BC–AD 1900)”. Antiquity. 97 (391). Cambridge University Press: 120–121. doi:10.15184/aqy.2022.163. S2CID 255655694.  This article incorporates text by Roy van Beek, et al. available under the CC BY 4.0 license.
  4. ^ a b Bagge, Axel (1947). “Ett märkligt skelettfynd från gånggriftstiden” [A remarkable skeletal find from the Middle Neolithic] (PDF). Fornvännen. Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research (in Swedish). Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities: 248. ISSN 0015-7813. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 January 2023. Retrieved 28 September 2023 – via DiVA (open archive). […] skallen, som lossnat från halsen, har rullat framåt, så att hakan och nackhålet peka rakt upp […]
  5. ^ Jacobsson, Josef (6 September 1983). “Kring ett intressant fynd från gånggriftstiden: Hallonflickan från Luttra” [About an interesting find from the Middle Neolithic: Raspberry Girl from Luttra] (PDF). Falköpings Tidning [sv] (in Swedish). Archived (PDF) from the original on 22 January 2022. Retrieved 1 October 2023 – via Kinneveds hembygdsförening. […] Carl Wilhelmsson från Ledsgården i Slutarp […]
  6. ^ Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 99–100. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  7. ^ a b c d Tjäder, Agneta (2022). “Hallonflickans död gäckar forskarna” [Raspberry Girl’s death baffles researchers]. Kvällsstunden [sv] (in Swedish). No. 12. Tidningshuset Kvällsstunden AB. p. 3. ISSN 0023-5822. Archived from the original on 24 September 2023. Retrieved 24 September 2023. (Subscription required.)
  8. ^ Fabech, Charlotte (1994). “Society and landscape. From collective manifestations to ceremonies of a new ruling class (Abb. 50–59)”. In Keller, Hagen; Staubach, Nikolaus [in German] (eds.). Iconologia sacra: Mythos, Bildkunst und Dichtung in der Religions- und Sozialgeschichte Alteuropas [Iconologia sacra: Myth, Pictorial Art and Poetry in the Religious and Social History of Ancient Europe]. Arbeiten zur Frühmittelalterforschung [Works on Early Mediaeval Studies]. Vol. 23. De Gruyter. p. 135. doi:10.1515/9783110846119. ISBN 3-11-013255-9.
  9. ^ Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 98–99. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  10. ^ Jacobsson, Josef (6 September 1983). “Kring ett intressant fynd från gånggriftstiden: Hallonflickan från Luttra” [About an interesting find from the Middle Neolithic: Raspberry Girl from Luttra] (PDF). Falköpings Tidning [sv] (in Swedish). Archived (PDF) from the original on 22 January 2022. Retrieved 1 October 2023 – via Kinneveds hembygdsförening. Carl Vilhelmsson [sic] […] ringer till Riksantikvariens ombud i Falköping överlärare Hilding Svensson.
  11. ^ Jacobsson, Josef (6 September 1983). “Kring ett intressant fynd från gånggriftstiden: Hallonflickan från Luttra” [About an interesting find from Middle Neolithic: Raspberry Girl from Luttra] (PDF). Falköpings Tidning [sv] (in Swedish). Archived (PDF) from the original on 22 January 2022. Retrieved 1 October 2023 – via Kinneveds hembygdsförening. Fyndplatsen ligger på Rogestorps mosse […] och nästa dag infinner sig Hilding Svensson.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g Bagge, Axel (1947). “Ett märkligt skelettfynd från gånggriftstiden” [A remarkable skeletal find from the Middle Neolithic] (PDF). Fornvännen. Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research (in Swedish). Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities: 248–249. ISSN 0015-7813. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 January 2023. Retrieved 28 September 2023 – via DiVA (open archive).
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l “Rogestorps mosse (SHM 23163)” [Rogestorp bog (SHM 23163)]. Swedish History Museum (in Swedish). Archived from the original on 4 October 2023. Retrieved 4 October 2023.
  14. ^ a b c Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 103. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  15. ^ a b c d e Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 102. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  16. ^ a b Gejvall, Nils-Gustaf [in Swedish] (1960). Westerhus: Medieval Population and Church in the Light of Skeletal Remains. Monografier utgivna av Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien [Monographs published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities]. Vol. 43. Lund: Håkan Ohlssons Book Printing [sv]. pp. 47–48. OCLC 1012246268. Retrieved 3 October 2024 – via Internet Archive.
  17. ^ Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 109–111. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  18. ^ Steadman, Luville T.; Brudevold, Finn; Smith, Frank A. (1958). “Distribution of strontium in teeth from different geographic areas”. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 57 (3): 340–344. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.1958.0161. ISSN 0002-8177. PMID 13575071.
  19. ^ “Strontium-90 In Teeth”. The British Medical Journal. 2 (5422): 1411. 5 December 1964. doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5422.1411. S2CID 20157450.
  20. ^ a b Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 105–106. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  21. ^ a b Sjögren, Karl-Göran; Ahlström, Torbjörn; Blank, Malou; Price, T. Douglas; Frei, Karin Margarita (2017). “Early Neolithic human bog finds from Falbygden, western Sweden: New isotopic, osteological and histological investigations”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology (19). Germany: Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University: 118. doi:10.12766/jna.2017.4. ISSN 2197-649X.
  22. ^ Sjögren, Karl-Göran (2003). “Mångfalldige uhrminnes grafvar…” Megalitgravar och samhälle i Västsverige [“Diverse memorial tombs…” Megalithic tombs and society in West Sweden] (PDF) (PhD). GOTARC Series B. Archaeological Theses no. 27 (in Swedish). Institutionen för arkeologi, University of Gothenburg. p. 58. ISBN 91-85952-91-5. ISSN 0282-6860. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 July 2022. Retrieved 4 October 2023 – via Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive.
  23. ^ “Inventarienummer SHM 23163” [Inventory number SHM 23163]. Swedish History Museum (in Swedish). Archived from the original on 28 September 2023. Retrieved 28 September 2023.
  24. ^ “Benpost 123220. SHM 23163” [Bone item 123220. SHM 23163]. Swedish History Museum (in Swedish). Archived from the original on 28 September 2023. Retrieved 28 September 2023. sk. Hallonflickan, utlån till Falköpings museum
  25. ^ a b “5 000-årig flicka får ansikte” [5,000-year-old girl gets a face]. Göteborgs-Posten (in Swedish). 3 June 2011. Archived from the original on 5 September 2024. Retrieved 5 September 2024.
  26. ^ Tjäder, Agneta (2022). “Hallonflickans död gäckar forskarna” [Raspberry Girl’s death baffles researchers]. Kvällsstunden [sv] (in Swedish). No. 12. Tidningshuset Kvällsstunden AB. p. 3. ISSN 0023-5822. Archived from the original on 24 September 2023. Retrieved 24 September 2023. Skelettet var mycket feminint, […] Hon hade ett fullt “modernt” utseende, […] (Subscription required.)

Daron Acemoglu: Difference between revisions

Daron Acemoglu: Difference between revisions

Turkish-American economist (born 1967)

Kamer Daron Acemoğlu (Turkish: [daˈɾon aˈdʒemoːɫu];[1] born September 3, 1967) is a Turkish-American economist of Armenian descent who has taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1993, where he is currently the Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics, and was named an Institute Professor at MIT in 2019.[2] He received the John Bates Clark Medal in 2005, and the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2024.[2][3]

Acemoglu ranked third, behind Paul Krugman and Greg Mankiw, in the list of “Favorite Living Economists Under Age 60” in a 2011 survey among American economists. In 2015, he was named the most cited economist of the past 10 years per Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) data. According to the Open Syllabus Project, Acemoglu is the third most frequently cited author on college syllabi for economics courses after Greg Mankiw and Paul Krugman.[4]

In 2024, Acemoglu, James A. Robinson and Simon Johnson, were awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their comparative studies in prosperity between states and empires.[5]

Early and personal life

Kamer Daron Acemoğlu[6][7][a] was born in Istanbul to Armenian parents on September 3, 1967.[10][11][12] His father, Kevork Acemoglu (1938–1988), was a commercial lawyer and lecturer at Istanbul University. His mother, Irma Acemoglu (d. 1991), was the principal of Aramyan Uncuyan [tr; hy], an Armenian elementary school in Kadıköy,[13][14][15] which he attended, before graduating from Galatasaray High School in 1986.[16][17][18] He became interested in politics and economics as a teenager.[15] He was educated at the University of York, where he received a BA in economics in 1989, and at the London School of Economics (LSE), where he received an MSc in econometrics and mathematical economics in 1990, and a PhD in economics in 1992.[19] His doctoral thesis was titled Essays in Microfoundations of Macroeconomics: Contracts and Economic Performance.[10][7] His doctoral advisor was Kevin W. S. Roberts.[20] James Malcomson, one of his doctoral examiners at the LSE, said that even the weakest three of the seven chapters of his thesis were “more than sufficient for the award of a PhD.” Arnold Kling called him a wunderkind due to the age at which he received his PhD (25).[22]

Acemoglu is a naturalized U.S. citizen.[23] He is fluent in English and Turkish,[24] and speaks some Armenian.[25] He is married to Asuman “Asu” Ozdağlar, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT,[15][26] who is the daughter of İsmail Özdağlar, a former Turkish government minister. Together, they have authored several articles.[27][28] As of 2015, they live in Newton, Massachusetts with their two sons, Arda and Aras.[29]

Academic career

Daron Acemoglu: Difference between revisions
Acemoglu in 2009
Acemoglu in his office, January 2020

Acemoglu was a lecturer in economics at the LSE from 1992 to 1993.[2] He was appointed an assistant professor at MIT in 1993, where he became the Pentti Kouri Associate Professor of Economics in 1997, and was tenured in 1998.[2][30] He became a full professor at MIT in 2000, and served as the Charles P. Kindleberger Professor of Applied Economics there from 2004 to 2010.[2][31] In 2010, Acemoglu was appointed the Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics at MIT.[10] In July 2019, he was named an Institute Professor, the highest faculty honour at MIT.[32]

As of 2019, he has mentored over 60 PhD students.[32] Among his doctoral students are Robert Shimer, Mark Aguiar, Pol Antràs, and Gabriel Carroll.[20] In 2014, he made $841,380, making him one of the top earners at MIT.[33]

Acemoglu is a research associate at the NBER, and was elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society in 2005.[19][2][34] He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2006, and to the National Academy of Sciences in 2014.[35][36] He is also a Senior Fellow at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and a member of several other learned societies.[19][37][38] He edited Econometrica, an academic journal published by the Econometric Society, from 2011 to 2015.[39]

Acemoglu has authored hundreds of academic papers.[40] He noted that most of his research has been “motivated by trying to understand the sources of poverty.”[23] His research includes a wide range of topics, including political economy, human capital theory, growth theory, economic development, innovation, labor economics,[19] income and wage inequality, and network economics, among others.[42] He noted in 2011 that most his research of the past 15 years concerned with what can be broadly called political economy.[43] He has made contribution to the labor economics field.[23]

Acemoglu has extensively collaborated with James A. Robinson, a British political scientist, since 1993.[30] Acemoglu has described it as a “very productive relationship.” They have worked together on a number of articles and several books, most of which on the subject of growth and economic development.[23] The two have also extensively collaborated with economist Simon Johnson.[44]

Research and publications

Acemoglu is considered a follower of new institutional economics.[45][46][47] His influences include Joel Mokyr, Kenneth Sokoloff,[48] Douglass North,[49] Seymour Martin Lipset,[50] and Barrington Moore.[50]


Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

Published by Cambridge University Press in 2006, Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy by Acemoglu and Robinson analyzes the creation and consolidation of democratic societies. They argue that “democracy consolidates when elites do not have strong incentive to overthrow it. These processes depend on (1) the strength of civil society, (2) the structure of political institutions, (3) the nature of political and economic crises, (4) the level of economic inequality, (5) the structure of the economy, and (6) the form and extent of globalization.”[51]

Romain Wacziarg praised the book and argued that its substantive contribution is the theoretical fusion of the Marxist dialectical materialism (“institutional change results from distributional struggles between two distinct social groups, a rich ruling class and a poor majority, each of whose interests are shaped primarily by economic forces”) and the ideas of Barry Weingast and Douglass North, who argued that “institutional reform can be a way for the elite to credibly commit to future policies by delegating their enactment to interests that will not wish to reverse them.”[52] William Easterly called it “one of the most important contributions to the literature on the economics of democracy in a long time.” Edward Glaeser described it as “enormously significant” work and a “great contribution to the field.”[53]

Why Nations Fail

Why Nations Fail was included in the Shortlist of the 2012 Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award.

In their 2012 book, Why Nations Fail, Acemoglu and Robinson argue that economic growth at the forefront of technology requires political stability, which the Mayan civilization (to name only one) did not have,[54] and creative destruction. The latter cannot occur without institutional restraints on the granting of monopoly and oligopoly rights. They say that the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, because the English Bill of Rights 1689 created such restraints.

Acemoglu and Robinson insist that “development differences across countries are exclusively due to differences in political and economic institutions, and reject other theories that attribute some of the differences to culture, weather, geography or lack of knowledge about the best policies and practices.”[55] For example, “Soviet Russia generated rapid growth as it caught up rapidly with some of the advanced technologies in the world [but] was running out of steam by the 1970s” because of a lack of creative destruction.[56]

The book was written for the general audience.[55] It was widely discussed by political analysts and commentators.[57][58][59][60] Warren Bass wrote of it in The Washington Post: “bracing, garrulous, wildly ambitious and ultimately hopeful. It may, in fact, be a bit of a masterpiece.”[61]

Clive Crook wrote in Bloomberg News that the book deserves most of the “lavish praise” it received.[62] In his review in Foreign Affairs Jeffrey Sachs criticized Acemoglu and Robinson for systematically ignoring factors such as domestic politics, geopolitics, technological discoveries, and natural resources. He also argued that the book’s appeal was based on readers’ desire to hear that “Western democracy pays off not only politically but also economically.”[63] Bill Gates called the book a “major disappointment” and characterized the authors’ analysis as “vague and simplistic.”[64] Ryan Avent, an editor at The Economist, responded that “Acemoglu and Robinson might not be entirely right about why nations succeed or fail. But at least they’re engaged with the right problem.”[65]

The Narrow Corridor

In The Narrow Corridor. States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty (2019), Acemoglu and Robinson argue that a free society is attained when the power of the state and of society evolved in rough balance.

Power and Progress

Published in 2023, Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity is a book by Acemoglu and Simon Johnson on the historical development of technology and the social and political consequences of technology.[67] The book addresses three questions, on the relationship between new machines and production techniques and wages, on the way in which technology could be harnessed for social goods, and on the reason for the enthusiasm around artificial intelligence.

Power and Progress argues that technologies do not automatically yield social goods, their benefits going to a narrow elite. It offers a rather critical view of artificial intelligence (AI), stressing its largely negative impact on jobs and wages and on democracy.

Acemoglu and Johnson also provide a vision about how new technologies could be harnessed for social good. They see the Progressive Era as offering a model. They also discuss a list of policy proposals for the redirection of technology that includes: (1) market incentives, (2) the break up of big tech, (3) tax reform, (4) investing in workers, (5) privacy protection and data ownership, and (6) a digital advertising tax.[68]


Social programs and policies

In a 2001 article, Acemoglu argued that the minimum wage and unemployment benefits “shift the composition of employment toward high-wage jobs. Because the composition of jobs in the laissez-faire equilibrium is inefficiently biased toward low-wage jobs, these labor market regulations increase average labor productivity and may improve welfare.”[69] Furthermore, he has argued that “minimum wages can increase training of affected workers, by inducing firms to train their unskilled employees.”[70]

Democracy and economy

Acemoglu et al. found that “democracy has a significant and robust positive effect on GDP” and suggest that “democratizations increase GDP per capita by about 20% in the long run.”[71] In another paper, Acemoglu et al. found that “there is a significant and robust effect of democracy on tax revenues as a fraction of GDP, but no robust impact on inequality.”[72]

Social democracy and unions

Acemoglu and Philippe Aghion argued in 2001 that although deunionization in the US and UK since the 1980s is not the “underlying cause of the increase in inequality”, it “amplifies the direct effect of skill-biased technical change by removing the wage compression imposed by unions.”[73]

According to Acemoglu and Robinson, unions historically had a significant role in creating democracy, especially in western Europe, and in maintaining a balance of political power between established business interests and political elites.[74]

Nordic model

In a 2012 paper titled “Can’t We All Be More Like Scandinavians?”, co-written with Robinson and Verdier, he suggests that “it may be precisely the more ‘cutthroat’ American society that makes possible the more ‘cuddly’ Scandinavian societies based on a comprehensive social safety net, the welfare state and more limited inequality.” They concluded that “all countries may want to be like the ‘Scandinavians’ with a more extensive safety net and a more egalitarian structure,” however, if the United States shifted from being a “cutthroat [capitalism] leader”, the economic growth of the entire world would be reduced.[75] He argued against the US adopting the Nordic model in a 2015 op-ed for The New York Times. He again argued: “If the US increased taxation to Denmark levels, it would reduce rewards for entrepreneurship, with negative consequences for growth and prosperity.” He praised the Scandinavian experience in poverty reduction, creation of a level playing field for its citizens, and higher social mobility.[76] This was critiqued by Lane Kenworthy, who argues that, empirically, the US’s economic growth preceded the divergence in cutthroat and ‘cuddly’ policies, and there is no relationship between inequality and innovation for developed countries.[77]


“The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development”, co-written by Acemoglu, Robinson, and Simon Johnson in 2001, is by far his most cited work.[40] Graham Mallard described it as an “excellent example of his work: an influential paper that has led to much debate.”[31] They argue that Europeans set up extractive institutions in colonies where they did not settle, unlike in places where they did settle and that these institutions have persisted. They estimated that “differences in institutions explain approximately three-quarters of the income per capita differences across former colonies.”[78][79] Historical experience dominated by extractive institutions in these countries has created a vicious circle, which was exacerbated by the European colonization.[80]

A critique of modernization theory

Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, in their article “Income and Democracy” (2008) show that even though there is a strong cross-country correlation between income and democracy, once one controls for country fixed effects and removes the association between income per capita and various measures of democracy, there is “no causal effect of income on democracy.”[81] In “Non-Modernization” (2022), they further argue that modernization theory cannot account for various paths of political development “because it posits a link between economics and politics that is not conditional on institutions and culture and that presumes a definite endpoint—for example, an ‘end of history’.”[82]


Journalists and economists have described Acemoglu as a centrist.[b] Why Nations Fail was well received by both liberal and conservative economists.[86] Acemoglu’s and Robinson’s long-time collaborator Simon Johnson suggests that their “point is not just about how things may become awful when the government goes off track (a right-leaning point). They are also more deeply concerned about how powerful people fight to grab control of the state and otherwise compete to exert influence over the rest of society (a left-leaning perspective).”[44]

Acemoglu has praised the successes of the Progressive Era, and argued in favor of its replication.[87] Acemoglu argues that the market economy is the only system that creates prosperity. He believes in finding an appropriate balance between “incentivizing creativity, hard work and risk-taking and creating the essential public services, social safety nets and equality of opportunity.”[88] For Acemoglu, markets work only with regulations and predictable laws and that all markets are regulated to some extent; it is only a matter of degree.[30] He suggests that free markets are not unregulated markets.[89]

Wall Street

In September 2008, Acemoglu signed a petition condemning the Bush administration’s bailout plan of the U.S. financial system.[90] As the main cause of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, he stated that policy makers were “lured by ideological notions derived from Ayn Rand’s novels rather than economic theory” and opined: “In hindsight, we should not be surprised that unregulated profit-seeking individuals have taken risks from which they benefit and others lose.”[89] In an early analysis of the Great Recession, Acemoglu wrote: “When channeled into profit-maximizing, competitive, and innovative behavior under the auspices of sound laws and regulations, greed can act as the engine of innovation and economic growth. But when unchecked by the appropriate institutions and regulations, it will degenerate into rent-seeking, corruption, and crime.”[30] He argues that the heavy overrepresentation from the financial sector in the top 1% “has been an outcome of the political processes that have removed all of the regulations in finance, and so created the platform for 40 percent of U.S. corporate profits to be in the financial sector.”[43] He argues that a platform, particularly in Wall Street, has been created “where the ambition and greed of people, often men, has been channeled in a very anti-social, selfish and socially destructive direction.”[91]


Acemoglu has voiced concerns regarding the increasing inequality in the US, which in his view turns into political inequality, in turn undermining the inclusiveness of US institutions.[58] In 2012 he identified societal polarization, caused by economic inequality, as the biggest problem for the US.[92] He argues that “democracy ceases to function because some people have so much money they command greater power.”[85] He states that he is comfortable with economic inequality which comes through different social contributions as it is a “price that we pay for providing incentives for people to contribute to prosperity.” However, high levels of inequality create problems as the rich who control significant portions of the societal resources use them to create an “unequal distribution of political power.”[91] He sees the solution in increasing social mobility by “providing an opportunity for the bottom to become rich, not forcing the rich to become poor.”[85]

Acemoglu has praised the American tradition of vibrant protest movements dating back to the Populists and the Progressives.[93] He has also praised Occupy Wall Street for “putting the question of inequality on the agenda, but also for actually standing up for political equality.”[94] He notes that Occupy Wall Street brought the 1% to the attention of the wider public, and to the attention of academia by Tony Atkinson, Thomas Piketty, and Emmanuel Saez.[91]

Specific policies

Acemoglu is in favor of raising and indexing the minimum wage.[95]

Acemoglu believes that universal basic income is “expensive and not generous enough” and that a “more efficient and generous social safety net is needed.”[96] He further called it a “flawed idea” and a “poorly designed policy.” He instead advocates for a “guaranteed-income program [that] would offer transfers only to individuals whose monthly income is below $1,000, thereby coming in at a mere fraction of a UBI’s cost.” He calls for “universal health care, more generous unemployment benefits, better-designed retraining programs, and an expanded earned income tax credit (EITC).”[97] Acemoglu supports a negative income tax, calling it a “more sensible” alternative to UBI.[98]

Acemoglu believes that nation-building by the West is no longer possible around the world because the West now lacks the resources and commitment that were present in post-World War II Germany and Japan, and because countries, such as in the Muslim- and Arab-majority countries, where such work is required today do not trust the West.[99] He views the US war on drugs as a “total and very costly failure”,[100] and supported the 2013 ballot referendum Colorado Amendment 64, a successful popular initiative that legalized the sale of recreational marijuana.[101]

In a 2016 interview with NPR, he opined that the US infrastructure is in a “pitiful state, with negative consequences for US economic growth.”[102]

Socialism, communism, and Marxism

Acemoglu argues that socialist states have not been successful in creating prosperity.[88] He wrote that socialist regimes “from Cuba to the eastern bloc have been disastrous both for economic prosperity and individual freedom.”[103]

In a review written with James A. Robinson, he argues that Thomas Piketty and Karl Marx are “led astray” due to their disregard for “the key forces shaping how an economy functions: the endogenous evolution of technology and of the institutions and the political equilibrium that influence not only technology but also how markets function and how the gains from various different economic arrangements are distributed.”[104]

Social democracy and unions

In 2019, Acemoglu argued in favor of social democracy. He stated: “[Social democracy, when practiced by competent governments] is a phenomenal success. Everywhere in the west is to some degree social democratic, but the extent of this varies. We owe our prosperity and freedom to social democracy.” However, he qualified this statement by arguing that social democracy “did not achieve these things by taxing and redistributing a lot. It achieved them by having labor institutions protecting workers, encouraging job creation and encouraging high wages.”[103] Following from this, Acemoglu opined that the economists of US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who is an advocate of democratic socialism along the lines of the Nordic model, “don’t understand basic economics. They are not just dangerous, they are clueless.”[103]

Acemoglu argued that a “tradition of strong labor movement or social democratic party, by constraining the actions of the social planner, can act as a commitment device to egalitarianism, inducing an equilibrium in which the country in question becomes the beneficiary from the asymmetric world equilibrium.”[75]

Donald Trump

In an op-ed in Foreign Policy, Acemoglu claimed that President Donald Trump shared political goals and strategies of Hugo Chávez, Vladimir Putin, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, such as “little respect for the rule of law or the independence of state institutions, … a blurred vision of national and personal interests, … little patience with criticism and a long-established strategy of rewarding loyalty, which can be seen in his high-level appointments to date. This is all topped by an unwavering belief in his abilities.”[93] In a 2019 interview with Der Spiegel, Acemoglu stated that he sees similarities between Trump and the Republican Party and the Nazis: “Surely, Trump and the Republicans are no Nazis. But they are exploiting the same political sentiment.” He argues that Trump “poses a great risk to U.S. democracy” because he is “looking for a new order with elements of anti-liberalism, misinformation and a lax attitude to corruption. If he is re-elected next year, it will be the beginning of the end of American democracy.”[105]

Authoritarian countries

According to Acemoglu, the three obstacles for economic growth under authoritarian regimes are the tendency of authoritarian regimes to become more authoritarian, their tendency to use power to halt “Schumpeterian creative destruction, which is key to sustaining growth” and the instability and uncertainty caused by internal conflicts.[30] He believes that Saudi Arabia would be like a poor African country without the oil, while the “only thing that is keeping [Russia] going is a big boom in natural resources and a clever handling of the media.”[106]

He believes that China has managed to achieve significant economic growth because it “sort of picked up the low hanging fruit from the world technology frontier, but that sort of growth is not going to last until China goes to the next step, which is harnessing innovation,” which he argues will be impossible “unless economic institutions become even more open and the extractive political institutions in China will be a barrier to that.”[92] He and Robinson wrote for the HuffPost that the “limited rights [China] affords its citizens places major restrictions on the country’s longer-term possibilities for prosperity.”[107]


Acemoglu opined that the Republic of Turkey, formed in 1923 by Atatürk, “is very continuous with the Ottoman Empire.” Although the shift from empire to republic brought some positive changes, he argues, the model was largely maintained by the reformers who took power, citing a persistent concentration of power and economic activity.[108] He suggests that the Republican period has been characterized by an unwillingness to accept ethnic minorities.[109] In 2014, Acemoglu condemned the widespread anti-Armenian rhetoric in Turkish textbooks, and demanded that the books be pulled from circulation.[14]

Acemoglu has criticized Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government for its authoritarian rule.[110] In a 2013 op-ed in The New York Times, following the crackdown of Gezi Park protests, Acemoglu wrote that “Even before the brutal suppression of the demonstrations, the belief that Turkey was on its way to becoming a mature democracy — a role model for the rest of the Middle East — had already become untenable.”[111] In a May 2014 op-ed in Foreign Affairs, Acemoglu wrote that the drift from democracy by Erdogan is lamentable, but an “almost predictable, stage of Turkey’s democratic transition.”[112] In the late 2010s, Acemoglu often criticized Turkey’s economic policies and consequently became popular with the opposition.[113]


In a 2015 interview with the Armenian service of Voice of America, Acemoglu stated that he has always been interested in economic, political, and social developments in Armenia.[17] Talking via video, Acemoglu partook in the Armenian Economic Association’s annual conference in October 2013 held at the Yerevan State University, during which he argued that Armenia’s problem is political, and not geographic, cultural, or geopolitical. He called for the Armenian government to be “more responsive to the wishes of its citizens so that through that political process Armenia ceases to be an oligarchy.”[114] In a September 2016 conference in Toronto, Acemoglu criticized the Armenian diaspora for legitimizing the successive governments in Armenia, especially when the rights of its citizens are violated and a wrong economic and political line is being followed for the country.[115] In an April 2017 conference held by the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, Acemoglu stated that while “Armenia could have looked much more like the Czech Republic or Estonia and what we got instead is a country that looks much more like Azerbaijan or Uzbekistan, which is a real shame.” He suggested that in the immediate post-Soviet years Armenia was “stronger and it’s been getting worse and worse.” He criticized the level of corruption of the government, which has systematically closed the political system.[116]

Other countries

In an op-ed for The Globe and Mail following the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, Acemoglu advocated Ukraine “to break with its past as quickly as possible. It needs to move away from Russia, politically and economically, even if that means an end to the natural-gas subsidies Russia has used to keep it in the position of a client state. Even more important is for Ukraine’s leaders to spread political power and economic benefits to the maximum number of its people, including Russian speakers.”[117]

Acemoglu argued that the Greek government-debt crisis was caused by the “terrible state of Greek institutions, and the clientelistic nature of its politics”,[118] and stated that the country’s problems are “political not just macroeconomic.”[119] He identified lack of political integration within the EU as Greece’s problem, and said that “the only way forward for Europe is to have greater fiscal and banking integration or to abandon monetary integration.”[118]

Political involvement


Acemoglu in 2018[25]

In March 2011, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu offered to appoint Acemoglu Turkey’s permanent representative to the OECD in Paris, a post he turned down in order to continue his academic career.[120][121][122][123]

Acemoglu met with Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, leader of the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) in October 2022.[124][125] In December 2022 Kılıçdaroğlu appointed Acemoglu, among others, as his economic adviser.[126] Pro-Erdogan circles criticized the move. One pro-government columnist said: “The Armenian Daron Acemoğlu, praised by FETÖ, prepared Kılıçdaroğlu’s vision program, (resembling his own roots).” In response, finance professor Özgür Demirtaş defended Acemoglu. “This tweet is both racist and presumptuous. The influence of Daron Acemoğlu on world’s economy-finance professors is greater than the number of cells in your body. It’s terrible that you talk like this about a professor who made us proud and is going for the Nobel prize.”[127] Yeni Şafak, a pro-government newspaper, ran the headline: “Daron Acemoğlu, one of the new economic advisors of the CHP, could not solve the economic crisis of Armenia.”[128]


Following the 2018 Armenian revolution, opposition leader-turned-Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wrote on his Facebook page that Acemoglu told him that he is ready to help Armenia to “restore and develop” its economy.[129][130] Pashinyan and Acemoglu talked via the internet in June 2018.[131] Acemoglu met with Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan in Boston in July 2019.[132][133]


According to data collected by Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), Acemoglu was the most cited economist of the decade leading to 2015.[134][12][14] According to Google Scholar, his works (including co-authored works) have been cited more than 200,000 times as of January 2023.[40] In a 2011 survey of 299 economics professors in the U.S. Acemoglu ranked third, behind Paul Krugman and Greg Mankiw, in the list of “Favorite Living Economists Under Age 60”.[135]

He was listed 88th in Foreign Policy’s 2010 list of Top 100 Global Thinkers “for showing that freedom is about more than markets.”[136] Acemoglu was voted by the readers of Prospect Magazine as the world’s top thinker for 2024.[137]

Francis Fukuyama has described Acemoglu and his long-time collaborator James A. Robinson as “two of the world’s leading experts on development.”[138] Clement Douglas wrote in the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis publication that the “scope, depth and sheer volume of [his] scholarship are nothing short of breathtaking, verging on implausible.”[43] Angus Deaton called him a “young superstar” and noted that Acemoglu is “a very good example of the way things ought to be going, which is you do history but you know enough mathematics to be able to model it too.”[139]


Economics awards
State orders and awards
Honorary degrees

Acemoglu has been awarded honorary degrees from the following universities: Utrecht University (2008),[43] Boğaziçi University (2011), the University of Athens (2014),[19] Bilkent University (2015),[150] University of Bath (2017),[151] ENS Paris-Saclay (2017), London Business School (2018), and the University of Glasgow (2024).[152]


Nobel prize

Acemoglu was long considered a prospective Nobel lauerate.[154][155][156][157][158] In 2024, Acemoglu, jointly with James A. Robinson and Simon Johnson, were awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their comparative studies in prosperity between nations.[159] The trio was recognized for their studies on how political and economic institutions impact a nation’s development, highlighting the distinction between inclusive institutions, which promote widespread economic participation and growth, and extractive institutions, which concentrate power and wealth in the hands of a few.[160] Acemoglu became the second ethnic Armenian (after Ardem Patapoutian)[161] and third Turkish national (after Orhan Pamuk and Aziz Sancar) to become a Nobel laureate.[162]

Selected bibliography

  • Acemoglu, Daron; Robinson, James A. (2006). Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521855266.
  • Acemoglu, Daron (2008). Introduction to Modern Economic Growth. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9781400835775.
  • Acemoglu, Daron; Robinson, James A. (2012). Why Nations Fail. Crown Business. ISBN 978-0307719218.
  • Acemoglu, Daron; Laibson, David and List, John (2014). Principles of Economics, Pearson, New York.
  • Acemoglu, Daron; Robinson, James A. (2019). The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty. Penguin Press. ISBN 978-0735224384. Description, arrow-searchable preview, & reviewers’ comments (at bottom).
  • Acemoglu, Daron, and Simon Johnson (2023). Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity. New York: PublicAffairs.



  1. ^ Western Armenian: Տարօն Աճէմօղլու.[8][9] Acemoğlu is the Turkified version of the Armenian last name Ajemian (Աճէմեան). Its root derives from the Arabic term ajam, used for non-Arabs, especially Persians. Most of Turkey’s Armenians changed their last names due to the 1934 Surname Law. His first name is the Western Armenian version of Taron, a male given name from a historic region.
  2. ^ “… the middle-of-the-roaders Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson …”[83]
    “Daron Acemoglu, a more centrist economist at MIT …”[84]
    “… Acemoglu, who aligns more with the center than with the populists.”[85]


  1. ^ “Prof. Dr. Daron Acemoğlu’na Nobel Ekonomi Ödülü’nü Getiren Makale” [The Article that brought Prof. Dr. Daron Acemoglu the Nobel Prize in Economics]. YouTube (in Turkish). BloombergHT. October 15, 2024. Retrieved October 15, 2024.
  2. ^ a b c d e f “Daron Acemoğlu CV August 2022” (PDF). economics.mit.edu.
  3. ^ “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2024”. NobelPrize.org. Retrieved October 14, 2024.
  4. ^ “192,209 Authors”. opensyllabus.org. Open Syllabus. Archived from the original on September 21, 2022.
  5. ^ “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2024”. NobelPrize.org. Retrieved October 14, 2024.
  6. ^ “Arşaluys Acemoğlu”. Milliyet (in Turkish). May 14, 1985. Archived from the original on October 13, 2010. …Kevork ve İrma Acemoğulları…Kamer Daron Acemoğlu…
  7. ^ a b Acemoglu, Kamer Daron (1992). Essays in microfoundations of macroeconomics : contracts and macroeconomic performance (Ph.D). British Library Board. Archived from the original on October 13, 2017.
  8. ^ “Աճեմօղլու արաջին դիրքի վրայ”. Jamanak (in Armenian). July 31, 2015.
  9. ^ “Տարօն Աճէմօղլու Ստացաւ “Կալաթասարայ” Մրցանակը”. Asbarez (in Armenian). June 28, 2012. Archived from the original on September 17, 2017. Retrieved September 16, 2017.
  10. ^ a b c “Curriculum Vitae Daron Acemoglu”. economics.mit.edu. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Archived from the original on July 28, 2021. Retrieved September 16, 2017. (archived)
  11. ^ Sorman, Guy (2013). Economics Does Not Lie: A Defense of the Free Market in a Time of Crisis. Encounter Books. p. 31. ISBN 978-1594032547. …Daron Acemoğlu, an Armenian from Turkey…
  12. ^ a b “Istanbul-born MIT professor named world’s most influential economist”. Hürriyet Daily News. July 31, 2015. Archived from the original on September 26, 2021.
  13. ^ “Daron Acemoğlu, dünyanın en önemli 10 iktisatçısından biri”. Agos (in Turkish). October 28, 2013. Archived from the original on September 8, 2017.
  14. ^ a b c “Daron Acemoglu Named Most Influential Economist”. Armenian Weekly. August 7, 2015. Archived from the original on March 8, 2021.
  15. ^ a b c d Gavin, Robert (June 15, 2005). “MIT professor named top economist under 40”. The Boston Globe. (archived)
  16. ^ “Daron Acemoğlu kimdir? Kaç yaşında, nereli, mesleği ne? Prof. Dr. Daron Acemoğlu’nun hayatı ve biyografisi!”. haberler.com (in Turkish). Archived from the original on August 20, 2021. İlköğrenimini İstanbul Kadıköy’deki Aramyan Uncuyan Ermeni İlkokulu’nda tamamladıktan…
  17. ^ a b Tarjimanyan, Arman (April 2, 2015). “Տարոն Աճեմօղլու. “Արտագաղթը սարսափելի վտանգ է Հայաստանի համար”“. azatutyun.am (in Armenian). Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (via Voice of America). Archived from the original on December 28, 2019. «Ծնվել ու մեծացել եմ հայկական ընտանիքում, ավարտել Ստամբուլի հայկական տարրական դպրոցը, և, իհարկե, ինձ միշտ հետաքրքրել են տնտեսական, քաղաքական և սոցիալական զարգացումները Հայաստանում», – ասաց պրոֆեսորը։
  18. ^ “Galatasaray Ödülü Daron Acemoğlu’na”. Agos (in Turkish). December 16, 2011. Archived from the original on March 17, 2020.
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  23. ^ Examples of Acemoglu speaking Turkish:

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  44. ^ Keefer, Philip; Knack, Stephen (2005). “Social capital, social norms and the New Institutional Economics”. Handbook of New Institutional Economics. pp. 700–725.
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  47. ^ Wilkinson, Will (May 10, 2016). “The Great Enrochment and Social Justice”. Niskanen Center. Douglass North and his followers, such as Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson…
  48. ^ a b Dewan, Torun; Shepsle, Kenneth A. (July 2008). “Recent Economic Perspectives on Political Economy, Part II”. British Journal of Political Science. 38 (3): 543–564. doi:10.1017/S0007123408000276. PMC 3630075. PMID 23606754. …Seymour Martin Lipset and Barrington Moore, for example, have clearly influenced Acemoglu and Robinson and other contributors to the literature on redistribution…
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  50. ^ Wacziarg, Romain (September 15, 2006). “Determinants of Democratization”. Science. 313 (5793): 1576–1577. doi:10.1126/science.1131936. JSTOR 20031295. S2CID 154213515.
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  52. ^ e.g., p. 143
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  62. ^ Gates, Bill (February 26, 2013). “Good Ideas, but Missing Analysis”. gatesnotes.com.
  63. ^ R.A. (March 6, 2013). “Institutions matter, a lot”. The Economist.
  64. ^ Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty. New York: Penguin, 2019.
  65. ^ Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson, Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity. New York: PublicAffairs, 2023.
  66. ^ Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson, Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity. New York: PublicAffairs, 2023, Ch. 11.
  67. ^ Acemoglu, Daron (January 2001). “Good Jobs versus Bad Jobs”. Journal of Labor Economics. 19 (1): 1–21. CiteSeerX doi:10.1086/209978. JSTOR 10.1086/209978. S2CID 2316641.
  68. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Pischke, Jörn-Steffen (2003). Minimum Wages and On-the-job Training (PDF). Vol. 22. pp. 159–202. doi:10.1016/S0147-9121(03)22005-7. hdl:1721.1/63851. ISBN 978-0-7623-1026-5. ISSN 0147-9121.
  69. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Naidu, Suresh; Restrepo, Pascual; Robinson, James A. (March 2014). “Democracy Does Cause Growth”. NBER Working Paper No. 20004. doi:10.3386/w20004.
  70. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Naidu, Suresh; Restrepo, Pascual; Robinson, James A. (December 2013). “Democracy, Redistribution and Inequality”. NBER Working Paper No. 19746. doi:10.3386/w19746.
  71. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Aghion, Philippe (2001). “Deunionization, technical change and inequality”. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy. 55: 229–264. doi:10.1016/s0167-2231(01)00058-6. S2CID 17495766. Archived from the original on August 10, 2018. Retrieved November 24, 2017.
  72. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Robinson, James A. (2013). “Economics versus Politics: Pitfalls of Policy Advice”. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 27 (2): 173–192. doi:10.1257/jep.27.2.173. hdl:1721.1/82599. Archived from the original on January 25, 2020. Retrieved December 1, 2019.
  73. ^ a b Acemoglu, Daron; Robinson, James A.; Verdier, Thierry (October 2012). “Can’t We All Be More Like Scandinavians? Asymmetric Growth and Institutions in an Interdependent World”. National Bureau of Economic Research. doi:10.3386/w18441.
  74. ^ Acemoglu, Daron (October 20, 2015). “A Scandinavian U.S. Would Be a Problem for the Global Economy”. The New York Times.
  75. ^ “Will everyone be worse off if the United States turns social democratic?”. Lane Kenworthy. September 29, 2012. Retrieved October 17, 2020.
  76. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Johnson, Simon; Robinson, James A. (June 2000). “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation”. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research. doi:10.3386/w7771. Retrieved March 12, 2022. This quote is from a subsequent abstract, appearing before page 1, to their article but NOT in the abstract to their original article.
  77. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Johnson, Simon; Robinson, James A. (2001). “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation”. The American Economic Review. 91 (5): 1369–1401. CiteSeerX doi:10.3386/w7771. JSTOR 2677930.
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  79. ^ Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, James A. Robinson, and Pierre Yared, “Income and Democracy.” American Economic Review 98(3) 2008: 808–42.
  80. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Robinson, James (2022). “Non-Modernization: Power–Culture Trajectories and the Dynamics of Political Institutions”. Annual Review of Political Science. 25: 323–339. doi:10.1146/annurev-polisci-051120-103913.
  81. ^ McCloskey, Deirdre (January 2015). “It was ideas and ideologies, not interests or institutions, which changed in Northwestern Europe, 1600–1848”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 25 (1): 57. doi:10.1007/s00191-015-0392-x. S2CID 154238344.
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  84. ^ Abrams, Paul (June 5, 2012). “Romney-Ryan’s Why Nations Fail Economy vs. Obama’s Built to Last Economy”. HuffPost.
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  102. ^ Acemoglu, Daron; Robinson, James A. (2015). “The Rise and Decline of General Laws of Capitalism”. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 29 (1): 3–28. CiteSeerX doi:10.1257/jep.29.1.3. hdl:1721.1/113636. S2CID 14001669. Archived from the original on February 13, 2017.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
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  106. ^ Laidler, John (April 28, 2015). “Understanding Turkey”. Harvard Gazette. Harvard University. Archived from the original on September 15, 2017.
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  117. ^ “Greece”. Initiative on Global Markets. February 24, 2015.
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  151. ^ “Predictions for the 2015 Nobel Prize”. Higher School of Economics. October 6, 2015. Archived from the original on August 20, 2021. (1) Daron Acemoglu (MIT) and James Robinson (University of Chicago) for their research on the role of institutions in economic development.
  152. ^ Kihara, David (October 6, 2016). “NYU accidentally announces one of its professors wins Nobel Prize”. Politico. Archived from the original on July 20, 2021. Some other economists who have been touted as possible Nobel winners include William Baumol, William Nordhaus, Esther Duflo and Daron Acemoglu.
  153. ^ “Paul Romer and William Nordhaus – why they won the 2018 ‘economics Nobel’“. The Conversation. October 8, 2018. Archived from the original on August 20, 2021. Other economists followed this line of thinking (Robert Barro, Daron Acemoglu, Philippe Aghion – all prize candidates for a few years now)…
  154. ^ Smith, Noah (October 11, 2019). “Five Economists Whose Work Is Worthy of a Nobel”. BloombergQuint. Archived from the original on August 20, 2021. No. 5. Daron Acemoglu
  155. ^ “Clarivate Reveals Citation Laureates 2022 – Annual List of Researchers of Nobel Class”. London: Clarivate. September 21, 2022. Archived from the original on October 3, 2022. Economics: Daron Acemoglu […] For far-reaching analysis of the role of political and economic institutions in shaping national development
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  158. ^ Afeyan, Noubar (October 14, 2024). “A moment of great pride as my friend and MIT colleague, Daron Acemoglu”. Archived from the original on October 14, 2024. He joins Ardem Patapoutian of Scrips (Nobel in Physiology/Medicine) as a second recent awardee of Armenian descent
  159. ^ Buyuk, Hamdi Firat (October 14, 2024). “Turkish-American Acemoglu Shares Nobel Prize for Economics”. Balkan Insight.


Orionid meteor shower 2024: When to see ‘shooting stars’ from Halley’s comet next week

Orionid meteor shower 2024: When to see ‘shooting stars’ from Halley’s comet next week

Orionid meteor shower 2024: When to see ‘shooting stars’ from Halley’s comet next week

The annual Orionid meteor shower — a dusty result of the trip Halley’s comet makes around the sun every 76 years, on average — will peak this week just as the famous constellation it’s named after rises into the autumn sky.

Active from Sept. 26 through Nov. 22, the Orionids will peak in the early hours of Monday, Oct. 21, when around 23 “shooting stars” are expected per hour, according to the American Meteor Society. The precise peak is predicted to occur at 1 a.m. EDT (0500 GMT).

Global celebration of Dark Matter Day planned with events around the world

Global celebration of Dark Matter Day planned with events around the world

Global celebration of Dark Matter Day planned with events around the world

Each year, on and around October 31, particle physics laboratories, universities, and institutions around the world celebrate Dark Matter Day. Members of the public are invited to join both in-person and virtual events that include talks, activities, and fun for all ages.

Dark Matter Day is an international outreach initiative that aims to share the search for dark matter with public events that highlight what we know about dark matter, the many experiments seeking to solve this mystery, and the value of devoting scientific resources to unraveling this cosmic riddle.

  • Media interested in finding a 2024 Dark Matter Day event in their own coverage area can find a list here.
  • Institutions and organizations interested in hosting a Dark Matter Day event can learn more here.

Take a deeper dive into the topic of dark matter by tuning into Particle Mysteries: The Coldest Case, a podcast about the search for dark matter. New episodes will be released this October.

Dark Matter Day is sponsored by the Interactions Collaboration, an international community of particle physics communication specialists.

To find resources or to register your event, go to the Dark Matter Day website.

Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) based on independent 3D dose calculation – Physics World

Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) based on independent 3D dose calculation – Physics World

Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) based on independent 3D dose calculation – Physics World

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