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Promising designs for nuclear power reactors using molten salt

Promising designs for nuclear power reactors using molten salt

In brief

Promising new designs for both fission and fusion nuclear power reactors rely on molten salt to play key roles, such as transferring heat out to produce electricity and to keep important metal components cool. But a major concern is corrosion: Will the radiation inside a nuclear reactor speed up the rate at which the salt corrodes and weakens those metal components? MIT researchers have demonstrated that some metal alloys will corrode not more but less when they’re exposed to radiation under some conditions. The team devised and built an experimental setup that emulates conditions inside a molten salt–based nuclear reactor. Tests with various alloys show that certain combinations of elements become more resistant to corrosion when they are also subjected to radiation. The researchers provide simple guidelines for designers and operators to follow when selecting commercial alloys for their molten salt–based nuclear reactors.

Most discussions of how to avert climate change focus on solar and wind generation as key to the transition to a future carbon-free power system. But Michael Short, the Class of ’42 Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering and associate director of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), is impatient with such talk. “We can say we should have only wind and solar someday. But we don’t have the luxury of ‘someday’ anymore, so we can’t ignore other helpful ways to combat climate change,” he says. “To me, it’s an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ thing. Solar and wind are clearly a big part of the solution. But I think that nuclear power also has a critical role to play.”

For decades, researchers have been working on designs for both fission and fusion nuclear reactors using molten salts as fuels or coolants. While those designs promise significant safety and performance advantages, there’s a catch: Molten salt and the impurities within them often corrode metals, ultimately causing them to crack, weaken, and fail. Inside a reactor, key metal components will be exposed not only to molten salt but also simultaneously to radiation, which generally has a detrimental effect on materials, making them more brittle and prone to failure. Will irradiation make metal components inside a molten salt–cooled nuclear reactor corrode even more quickly?

Short and Dr. Weiyue Zhou PhD ’21, a postdoc in the PSFC, have been investigating that question for eight years. Their experimental findings show that certain alloys will corrode more slowly when they’re irradiated—and identifying them among all the available commercial alloys can be straightforward.

The first challenge—building a test facility

When Short and Zhou began investigating the effect of radiation on corrosion, practically no reliable facilities existed to look at the two effects at once. The standard approach was to examine such mechanisms in sequence: first corrode, then irradiate, then examine the impact on the material. That approach greatly simplifies the task for the researchers but with a major trade-off. “In a reactor, everything is going to be happening at the same time,” says Short. “If you separate the two processes, you’re not simulating a reactor; you’re doing some other experiment that’s not as relevant.”

So, Short and Zhou took on the challenge of designing and building an experimental setup that could do both at once. Short credits a team at the University of Michigan for paving the way by designing a device that could accomplish that feat in water rather than molten salts. Even so, Zhou notes, it took them three years to come up with a device that would work with molten salts. Both researchers recall failure after failure, but the persistent Zhou ultimately tried a totally new design, and it worked. Short adds that it also took them three years to precisely replicate the salt mixture used by industry—another factor critical to getting a meaningful result. The hardest part was achieving and ensuring that the purity was correct by removing critical impurities such as moisture, oxygen, and certain other metals.

As they were developing and testing their setup, Short and Zhou obtained initial results showing that proton irradiation did not always accelerate corrosion but sometimes actually decelerated it. They and others had hypothesized that possibility, but even so, they were surprised. “We thought we must be doing something wrong,” recalls Short. “Maybe we mixed up the samples or something.” But they subsequently made similar observations for a variety of conditions, increasing their confidence that their initial observations were not outliers.

The successful setup 

Central to their approach is the use of accelerated protons to mimic the impact of the neutrons inside a nuclear reactor. Generating neutrons would be both impractical and prohibitively expensive, and the neutrons would make everything highly radioactive, posing health risks and requiring very long times for an irradiated sample to cool down enough to be examined. Using protons would enable Short and Zhou to examine radiation-altered corrosion both rapidly and safely.

The researchers’ experimental setup. This diagram shows the key features of the setup that the researchers designed and built to explore the effect of radiation on corrosion inside a molten salt nuclear reactor. The test chamber appears in yellow. A thin sample of the alloy being tested (at the center, red) is suspended between a bath of molten salt (green) and a beam of protons coming from the other side (dashed lines). With this setup, a single foil sample can be exposed to molten salt over its entire surface and—at the same time—to radiation limited to a circle at its center. Experiments show that the impact of radiation on corrosion damage varies widely from alloy to alloy.

The final design for their experimental setup is illustrated in the diagram above. The test chamber is shown in yellow. The bath of molten salt is shown in green. The thin sheet of the metal alloy being tested is at the center (in red), and the beam of protons enters from the left (dashed lines). With this setup, a thin foil sample of the alloy being tested is exposed to molten salt on one side and bombarded with proton radiation on the other side, but the proton beam is restricted to a circle in the middle of the foil sample. “No one can argue with our results then,” says Short. “In a single experiment, the whole sample is subjected to corrosion, and only a circle in the center of the sample is simultaneously irradiated by protons. We can see the curvature of the proton beam outline in our results, so we know which region is which.”

The results with that arrangement were unchanged from the initial results. They confirmed the researchers’ preliminary findings, supporting their controversial hypothesis that rather than accelerating corrosion, radiation would actually decelerate corrosion in some materials under some conditions. Fortunately, they just happen to be the same conditions that will be experienced by metals in molten salt–cooled reactors.

Why is that outcome controversial? A closeup look at the corrosion process will explain. When salt corrodes metal, the salt finds atomic-level openings in the solid, seeps in, and dissolves salt-soluble atoms, pulling them out and leaving a gap in the material—a spot where the material is now weak. “Radiation adds energy to atoms, causing them to be ballistically knocked out of their positions and move very fast,” explains Short. So, it makes sense that irradiating a material would cause atoms to move into the salt more quickly, increasing the rate of corrosion. Yet in some of their tests, the researchers found the opposite to be true.

Experiments with “model” alloys

The researchers’ first experiments in their novel setup involved “model” alloys consisting of nickel and chromium, a simple combination that would give them a first look at the corrosion process in action. In addition, they added europium fluoride to the salt, a compound known to speed up corrosion. In our world, we often think of corrosion as taking years or decades, but in the more extreme conditions of a molten salt reactor it can noticeably occur in just hours. The researchers used the europium fluoride to speed up corrosion even more without changing the corrosion process. This allowed for more rapid determination of which materials, under which conditions, experienced more or less corrosion with simultaneous proton irradiation.

The use of protons to emulate neutron damage to materials meant that the experimental setup had to be carefully designed and the operating conditions carefully selected and controlled. Protons are hydrogen atoms with an electrical charge; and under some conditions, the hydrogen could chemically react with atoms in the sample foil, altering the corrosion response, or with ions in the salt, making the salt more corrosive. Therefore, the proton beam had to penetrate the foil sample but then stop in the salt as soon as possible. Under these conditions, the researchers found they could deliver a relatively uniform dose of radiation inside the foil layer while also minimizing chemical reactions in both the foil and the salt.

Tests showed that a proton beam accelerated to 3 million electron-volts combined with a foil sample between 25 and 30 microns thick would work well for their nickel-chromium alloys. The temperature and duration of the exposure could be adjusted based on the corrosion susceptibility of the specific materials being tested.

Experimental results with model compounds. This figure shows results from tests on a simple alloy consisting of just nickel and chromium. The blue image shows the side of the foil sample facing the proton beam. The whole sample was exposed to molten salt, while only the circle at the center was also subjected to the beam of protons. The boundary between the two areas is clear. The electron microscope image to the right focuses on the region inside the red rectangle. The area at the right in the image shows dark patches where the salt penetrated all the way through the foil, while the area on the left shows almost no such dark patches. The curvature marking the boundary between the damaged and less-damaged regions in the two images is the same, confirming that damage is less extreme where the sample was both corroded and irradiated.

The top figure above shows sample results. The blue image shows the side of the foil sample facing the proton beam. During the experiment, the entire sample was exposed to molten salt on the opposite side, and the circular region at the center was simultaneously bombarded with protons from this side. The difference in appearance is striking in this optical image. The electron microscope image at the right focuses on the region inside the red rectangle. The area at the right in the image shows dark patches where the salt penetrated all the way through the foil, while the area on the left shows almost no such dark patches. The curvature marking the outside of the radiation beam in the blue image matches the curvature between the damaged and less-damaged regions in the electron microscope image, validating the researchers’ experimental approach.

To confirm that the dark patches were due to corrosion, the researchers cut through the foil sample to create cross sections. In them, they could see tunnels that the salt had dug into the sample. “For regions not under radiation, we see that the salt tunnels link the one side of the sample to the other side,” says Zhou. “For regions under radiation, we see that the salt tunnels stop more or less halfway and rarely reach the other side. So we verified that they didn’t penetrate the whole way.”

The results “exceeded our wildest expectations,” says Short. “In every test we ran, the application of radiation slowed corrosion by a factor of 2 to 3 times.”

More experiments, more insights 

Subsequent tests with the model alloys provided further insights. To more closely replicate commercially available molten salt, the researchers omitted the additive (europium fluoride) that they had used to speed up corrosion, and they tweaked the temperature for even more realistic conditions. “In carefully monitored tests, we found that by raising the temperature by 100 degrees Celsius, we could get corrosion to happen about 1,000 times faster than it would in a reactor,” says Short.

Images showing damage on the salt-facing side of a foil sample. These electron microscope images show the side of the foil of the nickel-chromium alloy sample facing the molten salt. The one on the left shows a section that was only exposed to the molten salt. The corrosion is clearly focused on the weakest part of the structure—the boundaries between the grains in the metal. The image on the right shows a section that was exposed to both the molten salt and the proton beam. Here the corrosion isn’t limited to the grain boundaries but is more spread out over the surface. Experimental results show that these cracks are shallower and less likely to cause a key component to break.

Sample results with the molten salt (without the corrosive additive) plus the nickel-chromium alloy appear in the figure above. These images show the salt-facing side of the sample, so the directly corroded side. The image on the left is from the corrosion-only region, while the one on the right is from the region that was also irradiated. The corrosion damage seen in the two regions is distinctly different.

Short explains the observations. Metals are made up of individual grains inside which atoms are lined up in an orderly fashion. Where the grains come together there are areas—called grain boundaries—where the atoms don’t line up as well. In the corrosion-only image on the left, dark lines track the grain boundaries. Molten salt has seeped into the grain boundaries and pulled out salt-soluble atoms. In the corrosion-plus-irradiation image on the right, the damage is more general. It’s not only the grain boundaries that get attacked but also regions within the grains.

So, when the material is irradiated, the molten salt also removes material from within the grains. Over time, more material comes out of the grains themselves than from the spaces between them. The removal isn’t focused on the grain boundaries; it’s spread out over the whole surface. As a result, any cracks that form are shallower and more spread out, and the material is less likely to fail.

Testing commercial alloys

The experiments described thus far involved model alloys—simple combinations of elements that are good for studying science but would never be used in a reactor. In the next series of experiments, the researchers focused on three commercially available alloys that are composed of nickel, chromium, iron, molybdenum, and other elements in various combinations.

Results from the experiments with the commercial alloys showed a consistent pattern—one that confirmed an idea that the researchers had going in: The higher the concentration of salt-soluble elements in the alloy, the worse the radiation-induced corrosion damage. Radiation will increase the rate at which salt-soluble atoms such as chromium leave the grain boundaries, hastening the corrosion process. However, if there are more not-soluble elements such as nickel present, those atoms will go into the salt more slowly. Over time, they’ll accumulate at the grain boundary and form a protective coating that blocks the grain boundary—a “self-healing mechanism that decelerates the rate of corrosion,” say the researchers.

Thus, if an alloy consists mostly of atoms that don’t dissolve in molten salt, irradiation will cause them to form a protective coating that slows the corrosion process. But if an alloy consists mostly of atoms that dissolve in molten salt, irradiation will make them dissolve faster, speeding up corrosion. As Short summarizes, “In terms of corrosion, irradiation makes a good alloy better and a bad alloy worse.”

Steps involved in setting up the test chamber for an experiment with the proton accelerator. A. Working inside a glove box, postdoc Weiyue Zhou first drops in a pellet of salt—the key to emulating the corrosive environment inside a molten salt–based nuclear reactor. B, C. Next, he places a sample of the metal being tested on the top of the test chamber, where it will be exposed to the salt pellet beneath it. The metal sample is a foil disc about 21 millimeters in diameter and just 25 to 30 microns thick. D. Here, Zhou prepares to put the top on the test chamber. E. And here he screws on the top, sealing it shut. The test chamber is now ready to be mounted on the proton accelerator. With this setup, the researchers expose the whole foil sample to the corrosive salt, and—by shielding part of it from the incoming protons—they also subject a limited but well-defined section of it to the proton beam at the same time. Credit: Gretchen Ertl

Real-world relevance plus practical guidelines

Short and Zhou find their results encouraging. In a nuclear reactor made of “good” alloys, the slowdown in corrosion will probably be even more pronounced than what they observed in their proton-based experiments because the neutrons that inflict the damage won’t chemically react with the salt to make it more corrosive. As a result, reactor designers could push the envelope more in their operating conditions, allowing them to get more power out of the same nuclear plant without compromising on safety.

However, the researchers stress that there’s much work to be done. Many more projects are needed to explore and understand the exact corrosion mechanism in specific alloys under different irradiation conditions. In addition, their findings need to be replicated by groups at other institutions using their own facilities. “What needs to happen now is for other labs to build their own facilities and start verifying whether they get the same results as we did,” says Short. To that end, Short and Zhou have made the details of their experimental setup and all of their data freely available online. “We’ve also been actively communicating with researchers at other institutions who have contacted us,” adds Zhou. “When they’re planning to visit, we offer to show them demonstration experiments while they’re here.”

But already their findings provide practical guidance for other researchers and equipment designers. For example, the standard way to quantify corrosion damage is by “mass loss,” a measure of how much weight the material has lost. But Short and Zhou consider mass loss a flawed measure of corrosion in molten salts. “If you’re a nuclear plant operator, you usually care whether your structural components are going to break,” says Short.  “Our experiments show that radiation can change how deep the cracks are, when all other things are held constant. The deeper the cracks, the more likely a structural component is to break, leading to a reactor failure.”

In addition, the researchers offer a simple rule for identifying good metal alloys for structural components in molten salt reactors. Manufacturers provide extensive lists of available alloys with different compositions, microstructures, and additives. Faced with a list of options for critical structures, the designer of a new nuclear fission or fusion reactor can simply examine the composition of each alloy being offered. The one with the highest content of corrosion-resistant elements such as nickel will be the best choice. Inside a nuclear reactor, that alloy should respond to a bombardment of radiation not by corroding more rapidly but by forming a protective layer that helps block the corrosion process. “That may seem like a trivial result, but the exact threshold where radiation decelerates corrosion depends on the salt chemistry, the density of neutrons in the reactor, their energies, and a few other factors,” says Short. “Therefore, the complete guidelines are a bit more complicated. But they’re presented in a straightforward way that users can understand and utilize to make a good choice for the molten salt–based reactor they’re designing.”

This research was funded by Eni S.p.A. through the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center’s Laboratory for Innovative Fusion Technologies. Earlier work was funded by the Transatomic Power Corporation and by the U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program. Equipment development and testing was supported by the Transatomic Power Corporation. For other funding sources and additional information about the research, please see the following:

AlMousa, W. Zhou, K.B. Woller, and M.P. Short. “Effects of simultaneous proton irradiation on the corrosion of commercial alloys in molten fluoride salt.” Corrosion Science, June 2023. Online: doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111154.

Zhou, K.B. Woller, G. (T.) Zheng, P.W. Stahle, and M.P. Short. “A simultaneous corrosion/irradiation facility for testing molten salt-facing materials.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, December 4, 2018. Online: doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.11.024.

Zhou, Y. Yang, G. Zheng, K.B. Woller, P.W. Stahle, A.M. Minor, and M.P. Short. “Proton irradiation-decelerated intergranular corrosion of Ni-Cr alloys in molten salt.” Nature Communications, July 2020. Online: doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17244-y.

This article appears in the Winter 2024 issue of Energy Futures.

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Electric Scooter Buying Guide: How To Buy The Best Electric Scooter

Electric Scooter Buying Guide: How To Buy The Best Electric Scooter

Electric Vehicles are getting popular in India. This is because petrol and diesel prices are at their peak and commuters want something that will take them from point A to B without making a big hole in their pocket.

Electric scooters are also a great choice in terms of power distribution as you will get a liner power delivery, which means the same amount of torque at any RPM.

Considering these benefits, commuters are inching towards electric scooters, but people still do not know what to consider when buying an electric scooter.

This article about the Electric Scooter Buying Guide will document the key factors you should consider before you head to the showroom to get your favorite electric scooter.

Understanding Electric Scooters

Electric scooters are a popular mode of personal transportation that runs on electric motors and rechargeable batteries. They are designed to provide a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional gas-powered scooters and cars.

Electric Scooter Buying Guide_1

What Is An Electric Scooter?

An electric scooter, also known as an e-scooter, is a two-wheeled vehicle powered by an electric motor. It typically consists of a deck or platform for the rider to stand on, handlebars for steering, and a battery pack that powers the motor.

There is no engine, nor a multi-speed transmission system. Yes, it does have a single-speed transmission system to transfer the power from the motor to the wheel, but since it offers constant torque at any RPM, an electric scooter does not need a multi-speed gearbox system like an ICE scooter.

Types of electric scooters

There are various types of electric scooters available in the market, including commuter scooters, off-road scooters, and foldable scooters. Each type is designed to cater to different usage scenarios and user preferences.

In this article, we will be focusing more on commuter scooters as these types of scooters make more sense for daily commuting in the city.

Benefits of using an electric scooter

  • Environmentally friendly: Electric scooters produce zero emissions, making them an eco-friendly transportation option.
  • Cost-effective: They are cheaper to operate and maintain compared to traditional vehicles.
  • Convenient: Electric scooters are compact and easy to maneuver, making them ideal for short commutes and urban travel.
  • Less Mechanical Parts: Electric scooters offer constant torque, which eliminates the need for a multi-speed gearbox system. It also does not have an engine. Fewer parts mean fewer chances of failure.

Factors to Consider Before Buying an Electric Scooter: Electric Scooter Buying Guide

Here are some of the factors that you should consider while buying an electric scooter. However, this list is not exclusive as there could be multiple other factors that could influence your decision.


The range of an electric scooter refers to the distance it can travel on a single charge. When choosing an electric scooter, consider your typical commuting distance and select a model with a range that meets your needs.

Charging your scooter frequently won’t cost you extra, and it will affect the battery life, but it will add some extra inconvenience to your daily routine.

Charging Time

Better to choose a scooter that can charge itself quickly. Waiting for half of the day to charge your scooter does not make any sense.

Modern scooters are coming up with a DC charger option but not everyone can install a DC charger at home. So look for a scooter that has less charging time even with a home portable charger.

Battery Capacity

Battery capacity will define how long the battery will take to fully charge itself and how much range you may get. It also tells us how much power it may consume for a full charge.

For example, a 3 kWh battery will take about 6-7 hours to fully charge using a 500W portable charger and It will consume 3 units of electricity for every charge.


Battery Life

The biggest confusion among commuters is about the battery life of electric vehicles. Many people may think that they need to change the battery every few years.

Although it’s true, in most cases, the battery will survive the life of the vehicle. Typically an electric scooter battery lasts for 8-10 years which is kind of enough for an electric scooter.

Even after 10 years, the battery may not be dead, but it may not offer the same range that it used to offer before.

Motor Power And Speed

The motor power determines the speed and performance of the electric scooter. Consider the terrain and inclines you will encounter during your rides, and choose a scooter with sufficient motor power to handle them.

You need to also consider the types of motor used and how it is mounted on the scooter. For example, the Ola scooter comes with a hub-mounted motor whereas Vida V1 comes with a side-mounted motor.

Although, the way of mounting the motor does not have any effect on the performance it may make things complemented during servicing.

Top Speed And Acceleration

Gone are the days when your electric scooter could only gain speed up to 25 kmph. Modern scooters are powerful enough to compete with ICE scooters in terms of speed.

Go for a scooter that offers a decent speed that is essential for daily commuting. A bare minimum speed of 80 kmph is a must.

In terms of acceleration, most scooters nowadays come with two modes. One is eco and the other one is sports. You can adjust the mode based on your power requirement.

Charging Infrastructure

Go for a brand that has enough charging infrastructure in your city. You can not always charge at home as it takes almost 4-5 hours to do a full charge whereas DC charging only takes about an hour for a full charge.

Better charging infrastructure also eliminates the range anxiety that most of us have while driving an electric vehicle as you will never be out of range of a charging station.

Weight Capacity And Build Quality

Check the weight capacity of the scooter to ensure it can support your weight. Every scooter has a limit of weight that it can carry depending on the motor power. Better motor power means the scooter can take up more weight.

Additionally, consider the build quality and materials used in the construction of the scooter for durability and longevity.

Connectivity Features

Electric scooters are no longer a typical scooter. It’s more of a gadget and you need to consider some connectivity features in it through app integration.

Almost 90% of scooters sold in India come with some connectivity features like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi function, cloud-based features like geo-fencing, etc.

Navigation is one more feature that you should consider. Better to choose a scooter that offers full-fledged navigation over turn-by-turn navigation as in turn-by-turn navigation, you need a mobile phone with data connectivity.

Convenient Feature

Features like cruise control, parking, and reverse are very popular in cars. But in scooters, you may not use these features much. However, considering the road conditions and traffic, you may choose to use these features more often than before.

Consider choosing a scooter with the hill hold feature as this is one of the most important convenient features that will make your drive easy and safe. Other features are good to have features.

Portability And Under Seat Storage

If you need to carry your scooter on public transportation or store it in a small space, consider the portability and size of the scooter.

Also if you are a daily commuter, you need to consider the underseat storage where you can dump your daily groceries safely without any external attachment.

Safety And Security Features

Since you are buying an electric scooter, you need to ensure that the battery is safe enough to use. It should be at least IP67 rated and does not cause any issues with overcharging and overheating.

It should also have an auto cut-off feature so that when the battery is fully charged, it should cut off the power automatically.

Lithium-ion batteries are the preferred choice for electric scooters as they offer better energy density, can withstand severe heat, and are safe in other aspects too.

Considering braking, disk brakes are a new norm for electric scooters. ABS is getting popular in scooters. If you have ABS, it’s always better.

Choosing the Right Electric Scooter for You

Commuting needs and distance

Evaluate your commuting needs, including the distance you need to travel and the terrain you will encounter. Choose a scooter that aligns with your specific requirements.

Budget considerations

Set a budget for your electric scooter purchase and explore options within your price range. Consider the long-term cost savings of owning an electric scooter compared to other forms of transportation.

Here is an electric vehicle savings calculator that may come in handy for you to see how much you might be saving if you switch to EV

Design And Aesthetics

Select a scooter that matches your style and preferences. Consider factors such as color, design, and overall aesthetics. Some electric scooter looks like a toy that may not align with everyone’s taste.

Additional Features And Accessories

Look for additional features such as LED lights, better suspension systems, and smartphone connectivity. Consider any accessories you may need, such as a phone mount or storage attachments.

Maintenance And Care Tips For Electric Scooters

Charging And Battery Maintenance

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for charging and maintaining the battery of your electric scooter to prolong its lifespan. Never charge your battery beyond 80% and don’t let it discharge below 20%. Both will damage your battery in no time.

Prefer to charge the battery using a home portable charger. Continuous use of DC charging may degrade your battery faster than AC charging.

Cleaning And Upkeep

Regularly clean and inspect your scooter for any signs of wear or damage. Keep it well-maintained to ensure optimal performance.

Repairs And Servicing

Be prepared for routine maintenance and occasional repairs. Familiarize yourself with local service centers or authorized repair shops for your scooter.

Where To Buy Electric Scooters

Online Retailers

Explore online platforms and e-commerce websites for a wide selection of electric scooters and competitive pricing. You may get a very good discount on Amazon and Flipkart if you are buying a scooter during the festive season.

Occasionally, they give lucrative offers if you hold credit cards from certain banks like HDFC, ICICI, and Axis back.

Local Stores And Dealers

Visit local stores and dealers to test ride different models and receive in-person assistance from knowledgeable staff.

Although the number of dealers in your city may be very few, but its always better to have a test drive before you choose the scooter.

Secondhand Market Considerations

Consider purchasing a used electric scooter from reputable sources to find a budget-friendly option.

Conclusion: Electric Scooter Buying Guide

In conclusion, buying an electric scooter requires careful consideration of various factors such as range, motor power, safety, and maintenance. By understanding your commuting needs and evaluating different models, you can find the right electric scooter that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Electric Scooter Buying Guide

What is the average range of an electric scooter?

The average range of an electric scooter varies depending on the model and battery capacity, but it typically ranges from 60-120 KM on a single charge.

How long do electric scooter batteries last?

The lifespan of electric scooter batteries can vary, but with proper maintenance, they can last anywhere from 8 to 10 years before needing replacement.

What are the maintenance costs for electric scooters?

Maintenance costs for electric scooters typically include periodic battery replacements, tire changes, and general upkeep. The overall maintenance costs are relatively low compared to traditional vehicles.

2024 Luminate / New York Photonics Tech Fast Pitch – April 11th!

2024 Luminate / New York Photonics Tech Fast Pitch – April 11th!

2024 Luminate / New York Photonics Tech Fast Pitch – April 11th!The highly anticipated annual event, where the new Nextcorps/Luminate cohort of entrepreneurs present their technical issues to New York Photonics companies.

Each of the ten teams in the Luminate cohort shares information in a fast-pitch format (3 minutes each) about what they’re doing, where they’re going, and what they need from experienced company partners, researchers and scientists in order to succeed.
With a combined total of $500,000 that must be spent in our region, these start-ups are looking for local partners that can help them get their technologies into the market. That could be YOU.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear first-hand about their technologies and what they need now. Then you’ll be able to connect with them immediately to explore potential opportunities.

Just a few of the items on their lists:

Optical design and assembly services, light sources (e.g. OLED, lasers, etc.), optical components, lithography, coatings, masks, and many others.

The Line-up: (Links are live)

  • AI Optics, Inc.— Handheld imaging technology that integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide a new standard of care for disease screening, starting with preventing vision loss
  • cureVision — Automatic, rapid 3D wound measurement, analysis, and reporting for hospitals, nursing homes, and ambulatory and home care
  • Enlipsium,— The company is developing advanced nanomaterials for future X-ray imaging devices, anti-counterfeiting, and self-cleaning coatings.
  • iLoF (Intelligent Lab on Fiber) — Non-invasive tracking, screening, and stratification for drug discovery using a cloud-based library of optical fingerprints, powered by photonics and AI
  • Nicslab, Inc.— Fabless chip company developing electronics and photonics integrated circuits for future optical solutions in data centers, AI, instrumentation, and quantum computing
  • Photosynthetic — New manufacturing method enabling complex 3D geometries to be produced at mass-production speeds, while retaining sub-micron feature sizes
  • Q-Block Computing — Fault-tolerant quantum devices for advanced computation, communication, and sensing
  • SaferStreet Solutions — Traffic safety devices that target unsafe driving behavior and collect data to help communities reduce speeding, distracted driving, car crashes, and lack of seat belt usage
  • SeeTrue Technologies — Advanced eye tracking technology featuring a robust sensing solution for use in health care, augmented and virtual reality, and industry applications
  • VoxelSensors — Groundbreaking Single-Photon Active Event Sensor that enables power-efficient and intuitive interaction for spatial interfaces and mobile extended reality (XR)


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Now published: Building Quantum Computers

Now published: Building Quantum Computers

Building Quantum Computers: A Practical Introduction by Shayan Majidy, Christopher Wilson, and Raymond Laflamme has been published by Cambridge University Press and will be released in the US on September 30. The authors invited me to write a Foreword for the book, which I was happy to do. The publisher kindly granted permission for me to post the Foreword here on Quantum Frontiers.


The principles of quantum mechanics, which as far as we know govern all natural phenomena, were discovered in 1925. For 99 years we have built on that achievement to reach a comprehensive understanding of much of the physical world, from molecules to materials to elementary particles and much more. No comparably revolutionary advance in fundamental science has occurred since 1925. But a new revolution is in the offing.

Up until now, most of what we have learned about the quantum world has resulted from considering the behavior of individual particles — for example a single electron propagating as a wave through a crystal, unfazed by barriers that seem to stand in its way. Understanding that single-particle physics has enabled us to explore nature in unprecedented ways, and to build information technologies that have profoundly transformed our lives.

What’s happening now is we’re learning how to instruct particles to evolve in coordinated ways that can’t be accurately described in terms of the behavior of one particle at a time. The particles, as we like to say, can become entangled. Many particles, like electrons or photons or atoms, when highly entangled, exhibit an extraordinary complexity that we can’t capture with the most powerful of today’s supercomputers, or with our current theories of how nature works. That opens extraordinary opportunities for new discoveries and new applications.

Most temptingly, we anticipate that by building and operating large-scale quantum computers, which control the evolution of very complex entangled quantum systems, we will be able to solve some computational problems that are far beyond the reach of today’s digital computers. The concept of a quantum computer was proposed over 40 years ago, and the task of building quantum computing hardware has been pursued in earnest since the 1990s. After decades of steady progress, quantum information processors with hundreds of qubits have become feasible and are scientifically valuable. But we may need quantum processors with millions of qubits to realize practical applications of broad interest. There is still a long way to go.

Why is it taking so long? A conventional computer processes bits, where each bit could be, say, a switch which is either on or off. To build highly complex entangled quantum states, the fundamental information-carrying component of a quantum computer must be what we call a “qubit” rather than a bit. The trouble is that qubits are much more fragile than bits — when a qubit interacts with its environment, the information it carries is irreversibly damaged, a process called decoherence. To perform reliable logical operations on qubits, we need to prevent decoherence by keeping the qubits nearly perfectly isolated from their environment. That’s very hard to do. And because a qubit, unlike a bit, can change continuously, precisely controlling a qubit is a further challenge, even when decoherence is in check.

While theorists may find it convenient to regard a qubit (or a bit) as an abstract object, in an actual processor a qubit needs to be encoded in a particular physical system. There are many options. It might, for example, be encoded in a single atom which can be in either one of two long-lived internal states. Or the spin of a single atomic nucleus or electron which points either up or down along some axis. Or a single photon that occupies either one of two possible optical modes. These are all remarkable encodings, because the qubit resides in a very simple single quantum system, yet, thanks to technical advances over several decades, we have learned to control such qubits reasonably well. Alternatively, the qubit could be encoded in a more complex system, like a circuit conducting electricity without resistance at very low temperature. This is also remarkable, because although the qubit involves the collective motion of billions of pairs of electrons, we have learned to make it behave as though it were a single atom.

To run a quantum computer, we need to manipulate individual qubits and perform entangling operations on pairs of qubits. Once we can perform such single-qubit and two-qubit “quantum gates” with sufficient accuracy, and measure and initialize the qubits as well, then in principle we can perform any conceivable quantum computation by assembling sufficiently many qubits and executing sufficiently many gates.

It’s a daunting engineering challenge to build and operate a quantum system of sufficient complexity to solve very hard computation problems. That systems engineering task, and the potential practical applications of such a machine, are both beyond the scope of Building Quantum Computers. Instead the focus is on the computer’s elementary constituents for four different qubit modalities: nuclear spins, photons, trapped atomic ions, and superconducting circuits. Each type of qubit has its own fascinating story, told here expertly and with admirable clarity.

For each modality a crucial question must be addressed: how to produce well-controlled entangling interactions between two qubits. Answers vary. Spins have interactions that are always on, and can be “refocused” by applying suitable pulses. Photons hardly interact with one another at all, but such interactions can be mocked up using appropriate measurements. Because of their Coulomb repulsion, trapped ions have shared normal modes of vibration that can be manipulated to generate entanglement. Couplings and frequencies of superconducting qubits can be tuned to turn interactions on and off. The physics underlying each scheme is instructive, with valuable lessons for the quantum informationists to heed.

Various proposed quantum information processing platforms have characteristic strengths and weaknesses, which are clearly delineated in this book. For now it is important to pursue a variety of hardware approaches in parallel, because we don’t know for sure which ones have the best long term prospects. Furthermore, different qubit technologies might be best suited for different applications, or a hybrid of different technologies might be the best choice in some settings. The truth is that we are still in the early stages of developing quantum computing systems, and there is plenty of potential for surprises that could dramatically alter the outlook.

Building large-scale quantum computers is a grand challenge facing 21st-century science and technology. And we’re just getting started. The qubits and quantum gates of the distant future may look very different from what is described in this book, but the authors have made wise choices in selecting material that is likely to have enduring value. Beyond that, the book is highly accessible and fun to read. As quantum technology grows ever more sophisticated, I expect the study and control of highly complex many-particle systems to become an increasingly central theme of physical science. If so, Building Quantum Computers will be treasured reading for years to come.

John Preskill
Pasadena, California

Now published: Building Quantum Computers
Version 1.0.0

Cut Your Rates and Save Big

Cut Your Rates and Save Big

Key Takeaways

  • Finding cheap energy is great, but you should also consider the reputation of your energy provider.
  • Low electricity rates are only part of the equation, as you also want to modify your energy consumption habits to ensure the lowest electricity bills
  • Always read your energy plan contract carefully and understand all the terms, including potential hidden fees and early termination fees.

Affordable electricity service is a priority for many Plano, Texas residents. With uncertain energy rates that fluctuate regularly, it can be difficult to keep a consistent budget. However, by researching and finding cheap electricity in Plano, Texas, you can minimize the expense and be better prepared for potential rate hikes.

Below, we’ll explore the ins and outs of cheap electricity in Plano, including obtaining the lowest rates, securing discounts, determining average costs, and other tips for reducing electricity bills.

How Can I Find the Lowest Electricity Rates in Plano?

You can find cheap electricity in Plano with a few key strategies, starting with an online comparison tool like PowerToChoose.org. This website, which the Public Utility Commission of Texas runs, offers comparisons of energy providers that service your ZIP code.

Simply enter your ZIP code and click “View Results.” The site will list all the energy providers in your area, as well as their energy rates, ratings, fees, terms, and much more.

You can also take the manual route and contact local utility providers directly. Sometimes, these companies have promotional offers or special rates they don’t advertise online. You can also sign up for their newsletters or follow them on social media to remain current on all their latest offers.

You can also speak with friends and neighbors and use online community forums to get their opinions and insights into local electricity providers. This social approach can give you a look into the actual life of a customer of these energy providers and give you valuable information about which companies offer the best rates and service.

What Should You Keep in Mind While Searching for Cheap Electricity in Plano?

Understanding how to find cheap electricity in Plano is only one part of the battle. You also want to consider other critical factors beyond just the cheapest rate.

First, you must be aware of the different types of plans available. For instance, fixed-rate plans lock you into a rate for the contract’s duration. A fixed-rate electricity plan may not always offer the best electricity rates, but it provides stability against fluctuating market prices.

The other common energy plan Plano electricity companies offer is a variable-rate plan, where your electricity rates can change monthly based on market conditions. This may lead to savings during low-demand periods, but you may also experience higher bills when demand spikes.

You should also monitor seasonal trends in electricity pricing, as rates can vary significantly throughout the year. They often peak in the summer when demand for air conditioning is high. You may secure a better rate by switching to a new provider or plan during off-peak seasons.

Also, some energy companies incentivize signing up during promotional periods, which can further enhance your savings. Being proactive and informed will empower you to navigate the electricity market effectively and secure the cheapest electricity.

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Find out why over half a million Texans trust Just Energy!

Are There Any Discounts or Special Offers for Electricity in Plano?

Many utility companies attract new customers and retain existing customers with discounts, promotions, or specials. Some common types of discounts Texas electricity companies offer include:

  1. Seasonal promotions: Service providers may offer reduced rates during peak usage months or for signing up during specific promotional periods to entice customers to switch providers.
  2. Referral bonuses: Some providers give discounts to customers who refer friends or family to their services.
  3. Bundled services: Consider packages that include both electricity and internet, cable, or natural gas services at a reduced rate.
  4. Special time-of-use offers: Some Plano electricity providers offer special rates during specific times to entice a switch, such as free nights.

Always read the terms and conditions associated with any discount or promotional offer before signing up. Some may have specific requirements or be time-sensitive.

Moreover, some Plano electricity plans may offer discounts for energy-efficient upgrades or participation in demand response programs. By reducing energy usage during peak hours or investing in energy-efficient appliances, customers can lower their bills and contribute to a more sustainable energy grid. This dual benefit of saving money while being eco-conscious is increasingly appealing to many people.

What Are the Average Electricity Costs in Plano Compared to Other Cities?

Electricity costs can vary between cities. As of September 2024, the average energy cost in Plano, TX is 13.9 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), which is slightly below Texas’ average rate of 14.78 cents per kWh. This means that just living in Plano helps you secure some of the cheapest electricity rates in Texas.

For context, Plano is slightly higher than nearby Dallas and Fort Worth, where the average is 13.5 cents per kWh. Another large city with slightly lower average electricity rates is Houston, which rings in at 13.1 cents per kWh. This shows that while Plano’s electricity is cheaper than most areas in Texas, other large cities have even more affordable energy plans.

How Do I Switch to a Cheaper Electricity Plan in Plano?

Switching to a cheaper retail electricity provider in Plano is a straightforward process, but it requires careful consideration and attention to detail. Follow these steps for a seamless transition:

  1. Research and compare plans: Online tools can help you compare different plans and see how they compare, considering your monthly usage patterns.
  2. Check contract length and details: Always review the length of your new plan’s contract and the company’s cancellation policy. Pay close attention to the early termination fee (ETF), as what appears to be the best electricity plan may have a huge ETF that prevents you from switching if rates suddenly drop.
  3. Contact your current provider: Notify your current residential electricity provider about your decision to switch, as some may have specific cancellation procedures.
  4. Finalize the new plan: Complete the sign-up process once you choose a new provider. Your new provider will usually handle the switch and keep you updated throughout the process.

You can typically complete the switch without interrupting your electricity service, and you’ll begin benefiting from your new rates promptly.

When seeking cheap electricity in Plano, It’s also crucial to find the possible on top of low rates. You should consider additional factors such as:

  • Customer service ratings: Check out online reviews and speak with friends and family about various providers to see which electricity providers offer the best service. Having a low rate is great, but poor customer service can quickly offset those low rates.
  • Hidden fees: Before signing up, read the contract and promotional information closely to determine whether there are any extra fees or limitations on the promotion.
  • Renewable energy options: Some plans offer the opportunity to support renewable energy sources through green energy plans. This may be a priority if you’re an environmentally conscious consumer.

Switch Plans Anytime, With Zero Fees

Say goodbye to restrictions and hello to freedom. Switch your plan anytime, at zero cost, and discover the perfect energy fit for your lifestyle.

Are There Any Government Programs or Incentives for Affordable Electricity in Plano?

The Texas government has various programs to help residents manage their electricity expenses. A few noteworthy initiatives that might be available in Plano are:

  • Energy assistance programs: The Texas Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) offers low-income households financial assistance to help with their heating- and cooling-related energy costs, bill-payment assistance, energy crisis support, and more.
  • Weatherization assistance: The Texas Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) helps low-income households improve their homes’ energy efficiency, thereby reducing overall electricity costs.
  • Temporary assistance programs: You may also find local organizations with programs that provide temporary support for families facing energy hardships, especially during extreme weather conditions.

Contact local government offices or community organizations to learn about eligibility and application processes.

How Can I Save on Electricity Bills in Plano?

Saving on Electricity Bills in Plano Woman Adjusts Temperature

Finding cheap electricity in Plano is one part of lowering energy costs, but you can further decrease your monthly bill by making energy-saving changes in your lifestyle.

Some practical tips to keep costs down include:

  • Use energy-efficient appliances: Invest in appliances that use less energy without sacrificing performance. Focus on purchasing appliances with the EnergyStar logo.
  • Adjust thermostat settings: Keeping your thermostat at a moderate temperature can lead to significant savings. Turning your thermostat down 7 to 10 degrees in the winter and up the same amount in the summer can save you up to 10% in heating and cooling costs.
  • Unplug devices: Some chargers and electronics draw power when not in use. Unplug all electronics when you‘re not using them, or consider using power strips to manage multiple devices easily.
  • Limit use of high-energy appliances: Limit the number of times you use things like dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers. If you’re on a time-of-use plan, shift their usage to off-peak hours when possible.
  • Implement smart home technology: Use smart thermostats and home automation systems to monitor and control energy use more effectively.
  • Seal leaks and insulate: Ensure that windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent conditioned air from escaping, reducing the workload on heating and cooling systems.

Where Can I Find Reliable Reviews of Electricity Providers in Plano?

Finding a great balance of cheap electricity in Plano and a trustworthy electricity provider is critical for making an informed choice. Finding a reliable provider generally requires you to dig deep into online review sites. Some reliable review sites to consider include:

  • com: This site allows users to leave detailed reviews of their experiences with various electricity providers.
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB): The BBB offers ratings and insights into a company’s performance, customer service, and complaint resolution efforts.
  • Social media platforms: Social media has become a go-to spot for customers to share their experiences with businesses. A popular place to read reviews is Facebook, but you can also review X for any glowing or not-so-hot comments on a business page.
  • Google: Google is another great spot to read reviews, but beware of fake reviews made under the wrong business.

When you research and read reviews, you can avoid potentially signing on with an electricity provider with a bad reputation.

Save Big on Your Electric Bill With Cheap Electricity in Plano

Charges for Electricity Services

Finding cheap electricity in Plano is a great way to lower your overall energy costs, but it takes research, an understanding of your options, and a focus on reducing costs and energy consumption.

With the strategies outlined above, you can successfully navigate Plano’s deregulated electricity market and leverage it for significant savings. With a combination of low rates, discounts, incentives, and smart consumption practices, you can ensure your electricity bills make a minimal dent in your monthly budget. Check out what great electricity rates you can get in Plano at Just Energy.

Brought to you by justenergy.com

All images licensed from Adobe Stock

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Hot Form Quench (HFQ®) Technology: Transforming Automotive Sustainability Through Innovation

Hot Form Quench (HFQ®) Technology: Transforming Automotive Sustainability Through Innovation

Achieving net zero is a crucial target for all manufacturing companies, especially in the automotive industry, which faces increasing regulation. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are on the lookout for innovative green technologies to enhance or replace their existing processes.

Let’s dive into the automotive sector’s current landscape and learn how Hot Form Quench (HFQ) and increased use of aluminium can drive it toward a more sustainable future.

Reducing a Car’s Carbon Footprint

A car’s carbon footprint comprises embodied carbon (emissions during construction and decommissioning) and operational carbon (emissions during use). Manufacturing processes like mining, casting, rolling, and heat treatment use significant carbon.

During its lifetime, a typical car emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon annually from gasoline. Even electric vehicles contribute to carbon emissions through the electricity used in their operation.

To shrink a car’s carbon footprint, reducing both embodied and operational emissions is essential. Auto manufacturers are adopting several strategies to meet their sustainability goals.

Recycling Challenges in the Automotive Industry

Although recycling may seem simple, it presents many challenges, especially for advanced industries like automotive, which use multiple materials and manufacturing methods. For aluminium, there are cast, extruded, and sheet parts, all of which contain different quantities of principal elements. Despite this complexity in construction, when a car reaches the scrapyard, valuable parts like alloy wheels and catalytic converters are removed, and then the rest of the car is ground into fragments, which need to be sorted for reuse. While sorting technologies are improving rapidly, they are still relatively slow, not 100% accurate, and require energy.

Hot Form Quench (HFQ®) Technology: Transforming Automotive Sustainability Through Innovation

Fig. 1: Aluminum Engine Blocks Scrap. Courtesy Iscrapapp.com

Furthermore, permanent joining methods such as steel rivets are used, increasing the risk of contamination when re-melted.

Because of these challenges, it is currently common for the aluminium fraction to be recycled back into non-structural secondary castings rather than being fully circular.

Other Obstacles to Sustainable Car Manufacturing

The weight of vehicles

In recent decades, vehicles have become heavier, increasing their embodied and operational carbon due to higher curb weights, with some now exceeding 3000 kg. This issue extends to electric vehicles, where batteries alone can weigh over 500 kg. Therefore, relying solely on recycling for sustainability is insufficient, necessitating the use of fewer resources.

No reuse of functional parts

Often, many functional parts are discarded when a vehicle reaches the end of its lifecycle. Introducing design-for-disassembly practices to retain materials in use for as long as possible will be critical for future sustainability. 

The use of various compositions

The current practice of incorporating multiple aluminium compositions into a single vehicle structure complicates recycling due to sorting challenges. A more efficient approach would involve using a single alloy with versatile forming techniques.

What Changes Does the Automotive Industry Need for Maximum Sustainability?

For maximum impact on a vehicle’s sustainability, the automotive industry should adopt the waste hierarchy, which prioritizes:

1. Reduce

2. Reuse

3. Recycle

The most effective strategy to achieve sustainability targets involves manufacturing lighter vehicles. Lighter vehicles use less material and energy, which minimizes waste and enhances operational efficiency through improved fuel economy.

Following reduction, it is important to work towards a future in which vehicles can be disassembled efficiently to allow for component reuse. Finally, once the components have reached the end of their useful life, recycling them back into the same value chain is essential.

Fig.1: Recycled material A-Pillar.

How Does HFQ Help the Automotive Manufacturing Process?

Hot Form Quench (HFQ) is a novel aluminum hot forming process that integrates solution heat treatment, forming, and in-die quenching into a single step.

Key features include:

Improved material utilization

The primary goal of HFQ is to enhance material utilization in the automotive industry. Due to the enhanced formability and the ability to integrate multiple parts into a single forming step, the blank size can be significantly reduced.

Reduced weight and costs

By using higher-strength aluminum alloys to form complex shapes, HFQ allows for thinner parts, contributing to greater light-weighting.

Compatibility with recycled metal

HFQ has been used to produce A-pillars and B-pillars from AA6082 sheet using 100% recycled feedstock. The geometric tolerance and mechanical properties were equivalent to conventional alloys. HFQ has also been used with novel alloy compositions containing higher contamination levels, offering proof strengths greater than 400MPa and elongation to failure greater than 12%.

Efficiency with F-temper Aluminum Sheet

Traditional cold stamping requires T4P tempering of sheet blanks prior to forming, which involves heating and tempering the entire raw material coil to enhance strength and formability. In contrast, HFQ eliminates the need for pre-stamping heat treatment, saving significant costs and opening up a wider range of supply options.

As a hot forming process, HFQ applies heat just before forming, targeting only the blank rather than the entire coil. This focused heating approach maintains similar energy consumption while optimizing efficiency by heating only the useful portion of the material.

Embracing Innovative Forming for Carbon Neutrality

To significantly reduce the carbon footprint of automobiles and advance toward circularity, the industry must embrace deviations from traditional alloys and adopt disruptive technologies that facilitate carbon neutrality. Closed loop recycling and advanced sorting technologies are essential for creating a reliable source of raw materials, but focus must remain on impactful strategies like improving material utilization, down-gauging, increasing the use of aluminum alloys, and maximizing the use phase of each component.

Technologies like HFQ demonstrate the potential to use novel aluminum alloy compositions that maximize the recycled content and optimize weight and carbon footprint beyond what is possible with cold stamping. Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers play a crucial role in integrating these advancements, but the push for these transformative changes must come from OEMs, who are ultimately responsible for minimizing the environmental impact of their products.