Scalar and vector

Scalar and vector

Scalar and vector

                                                                     Scalar and vector


A scalar refers to a quantity that is represented solely by its size or magnitude and has no specific direction associated with it. They are used to describe quantities that have only one characteristic, such as mass, temperature, time, speed, or energy. 

They can be real numbers such as integers, rational numbers, or irrational numbers such as π (pi) or √2 (square root of 2). They can also be complex numbers with real and imaginary parts.



The distance traveled by an object is a scalar quantity, such as 5 kilometers.


The mass of an object is a scalar quantity because it only represents the amount of matter it contains. it is only characterized by its magnitude, such as 2 kilograms. The mass does not have a specific direction associated with it.

Temperature indicates how hot or cold a body is. it represents the magnitude of the thermal energy, e.g., 30 degrees Celsius. Temperature does not have a direction.

Time measures the duration or sequence of events on a clock, like 10 seconds or 2 PM. Time has no direction associated with it.

Energy is a scalar quantity that represents the ability to do work or produce heat, e.g, 100 joules. Energy does not have a direction associated with it.

Velocity, a scalar quantity, measures an object's speed of motion.

Electric Charge:

Electric charge is a scalar quantity that describes a fundamental property of particles.


Speed is a scalar value that indicates how fast an object is moving. It is determined by the rate of change of distance with respect to time. For example, a car traveling at a constant speed of 50 kilometers per hour is a scalar because it only indicates the amount of speed, not the direction the car is traveling. 

It is important to note that scalars can be converted to other units without affecting their scalar nature, provided the numerical value is adjusted accordingly.

It's important to note that the term "scalar" can have different meanings in various contexts, such as in computer programming or physics, but the fundamental concept of a scalar as a quantity with magnitude only remains consistent across disciplines.

Operations on scalar:

Scalars can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on their numerical value. They can be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided using normal arithmetic operations. When two or more scalars are combined, the result is always a different scalar.

Scalars are single numerical values that are not associated with any particular direction or coordinate system. When you add scalars, you simply perform the arithmetic operation of addition.

How to add scalars?

Take the numerical values of the scalars you want to add.
Add the values together using the basic addition operation.
The result is a new scalar that represents the sum of the original scalars.
Here's an example:

Let's say you have two scalars, a = 5 and b = 3. To add them up:

a + b = 5 + 3 = 8

So the sum of the scalars a and b is 8.

It is important to note that scalar addition is commutative, meaning that the order in which you add the scalars does not affect the result. In the example above, a + b equals b + a, both equal 8.

 Subtract a scalar from a number:

If  you want to subtract 5 from 10, then 

result = 10 - 5
result = 5

So if you subtract 5 from 10, you get 5.

 Subtracting a scalar from a variable:
Let's say you have a variable "x" with an initial value of 7 and you want to subtract 3 from it.

result = x - 3
result = 7 - 3
result = 4

So, subtracting 3 from the variable "x" gives the result 4.

Remember, when you subtract a scalar value, you're just subtracting the scalar value directly from the number or variable you're working with.

Multiply a scalar by a number:
Suppose you want to multiply 3 by the number 7.

result = 3 * 7
result = 21

Therefore, multiplying 3 by 7 gives the result 21.

 Divide a number by a scalar:
Suppose you want to divide the number 15 by 5.

result = 15/5
result = 3

So if you divide 15 by 5, you get 3.


Defination of vector:

A vector is a mathematical object that has both magnitude (magnitude or length) and direction.

Representation of a vector:

This is often represented by an arrow in a coordinate system where the length of the arrow indicates size and the direction of the arrow indicates direction.

Mathematically, a vector is often indicated in bold (such as v) or an arrow above a letter (such as ⟶v). In component form, a vector can be represented as an ordered list of its quantities along any axis, such as v = (v₁, v₂, v₃) in 3D space.

A vector can exist in different dimensions such as 1D (scalar), 2D (2D vector), 3D (3D vector), or even higher dimensions. Each component of the vector represents its magnitude along a specific axis in the coordinate system.


Consider the displacement vector of an object moving in one dimension. Let's say an object moves 10 meters to the right. We can represent this motion as a vector d = +10 m, where the positive sign indicates the direction to the right.
In this example, the vector d represents the offset of the feature. The value is 10 meters, which corresponds to the distance traveled, and the direction is to the right.

For example, in the case of velocity, we can have a vector v = (5 m/s, -2 m/s) to represent a velocity of 5 meters per second in the x direction and a velocity of -2 meters per second . the second in direction Y. This vector indicates both the speed and direction of the object.

Explanation of vector with another example:

Certainly! Vectors are widely used in physics to represent physical quantities such as displacement, velocity, force, etc. Here is an example of a vector in physics:

Consider the velocity vector. Suppose an object moves in a straight line at a constant speed of 10 meters per second in the positive x direction. We can represent this velocity vector as v = (10, 0).

In this example, the vector v has two components: 10 and 0. The first component, 10, represents the velocity in the x direction, and the second component, 0, represents the velocity in the y direction (assuming no vertical movement). The vector v indicates that the object is moving at 10 meters per second in the positive x direction and not in the y direction.

The value of the velocity vector |v| represents the speed of the object, in this case 10 meters per second.

How vector can added, subtracted, multiplied and divided:

To perform basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on vectors, it is necessary to act element by element. Here's how to do each:

To add two vectors of the same size, simply add the corresponding elements. The resulting vector will be the same size as the original vectors.

Let's say you have two vectors: A = [1, 2, 3] and B = [4, 5, 6]. To add them, you need to do the following:
A + B = [1 + 4, 2 + 5, 3 + 6] = [5, 7, 9]

In addition, subtract the corresponding elements of the two vectors to get the result.

With the same vectors A and B as in the addition example:
A - B = [1 - 4, 2 - 5, 3 - 6] = [-3, -3, -3]

Multiplication (scalar multiplication):
To multiply a vector by a scalar (a single number), multiply each element of the vector by that scalar.

Consider the vector C = [2, 4, 6] and the scalar value 3. Multiplying a vector by a scalar:
3C = [3 * 2, 3 * 4, 3 * 6] = [6, 12, 18]

Division (scalar division):
To divide a vector by a scalar, divide each element of the vector by that scalar.

Continuing with the vector C and the scalar 2:
C/2 = [2/2, 4/2, 6/2] = [1, 2, 3]

Remember to make sure that the vectors involved in addition, subtraction, or multiplication/division by elements are the same size. If they have different dimensions, these operations may not be defined.

Importance of vectors:

Vectors are essential in physics because they allow us to describe physical quantities in both magnitude and direction. Using vectors, we can perform calculations on quantities such as forces, velocities and accelerations, given their direction and their numerical values.

Application of vectors:

Vectors can be added or multiplied by scalars to get new vectors. They are commonly used in physics, engineering, computer graphics, and many other fields to represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as force, velocity, displacement, and electric fields.

                             Difference between scalar and vector

Scalar Vector
It only has magnitude. It has both magnitude and direction.
Indicated by the quantity symbol. Indicated by a bold quantity symbol or an up arrow.
It is defined by a number and a unit of measurement. It is also defined by a number along with a direction and unit of measurement.
Example: temperature, speed, etc. Example: acceleration, speed, etc.

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