Physics Sound

Sound is a mechanical wave that travels through air, water, or solids, producing vibrations our ears detect. It is audible in solids, slightly slower in liquids, and slowest in gases.

Physics Sound


Sound is defined as a mechanical wave that moves through a medium such as air, water, or solids, showing energy in the form of vibrations. These vibrations generate air pressure changes, which our ears detect as sound. It is produced when an object vibrates or is disturbed, and it travels in the form of compressional waves, also known as longitudinal waves. According to physics, sound is a pressure wave of vibration that travels through a solid, liquid, or gaseous media and is audible. Its speed is greatest in solids, slightly slower in liquids, and the slowest in gases.


A guitar produces a sound that is distinct from a drum. This is because it is produced by different sources and has different characteristics. Three factors may be employed in order to describe sound: frequency, wavelength, and amplitude.


The number of dilutions and compressions that occur per unit of time is known as the frequency of the wave. The wave frequency formula is:
"f" is the frequency of the wave, T - period.


The distance between the subsequent compression and the dilution is known as the wavelength of the sound wave. The SI unit for it is meters (m). It is denoted by the symbol λ (lambda), and its dimensional formula is [M0L1T0]. It is equivalent to the ratio of the sound wave's velocity to frequency. The wavelength formula is determined as follows:
Where "f" is the frequency and "v" is the speed. 


The amplitude is the magnitude of the maximum perturbation of the sound wave. Energy may also be measured via amplitude. The greater the amplitude, the greater the energy. Humans can only hear a limited number of frequencies. Physicists have determined that the frequency spectrum of sound in the human ear ranges from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Under ideal laboratory conditions, the human ear can detect frequencies from 12 to 20,000 Hz.


The speed at which waves travel through a medium is called the speed of sound. It is different in different environments. It is greatest in solids because the atoms in solids are highly compressed. The interaction between atoms in a particle strongly depends on the distance between them. The greater the interaction between the atoms, the faster the energy is transferred. Since the interaction of particles in solids is large, the speed of sound is higher than in liquids and gases. The formula used to calculate the speed is:
d is the distance the wave travels
t is the time it takes to cover the distance.
The table below summarizes the speed in various media.
1481 m/s
343.2 m/s
4600 m/s
1270 m/s
4540 m/s


A sound is a form of energy that moves through different media, such as air, water, or solids. It is created by the vibration or disturbance of particles in the medium, which then propagate as pressure waves change. Here are some basic properties: 
Frequency: Frequency describes how many vibrations occur each second and affects the pitch of the sound. It is measured in hertz (Hz), where one hertz equals one cycle per second. Higher frequencies correspond to higher sounds and lower frequencies correspond to lower sounds.
Amplitude: Amplitude represents the magnitude or intensity of a wave. Defines the loudness or harshness of the sound. The louder the sound, the bigger the amplitude.  Amplitude is usually measured in decibels (dB), with higher decibel values indicating louder sounds.
Wavelength: Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points of a sound wave that are in phase with each other. It is inversely proportional to the frequency of the sound wave. Longer wavelengths correspond to lower frequencies and shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies. 
Velocity: Sound waves move through the material at a certain pace, which is referred to as their velocity.  It depends on the properties of the medium in which it travels, such as temperature, humidity, and density. In dry air at sea level, sound typically travels at a speed of about 343 meters per second (about 1125 feet per second).
Phase: Phase describes the position of a point in a cycle of sound waves. It is usually measured in degrees or radians and indicates whether the point is at the beginning, middle, or end of a cycle. The phase of a wave can affect how it combines with other waves, resulting in phenomena such as interference.
Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction: Sound waves can interact with objects and the environment in different ways. Reflection occurs when sound waves bounce off a surface like an echo. Refraction occurs when sound waves change direction as they move from one medium to another, such as from air to water. Diffraction refers to the bending or propagation of waves as they hit obstacles or pass through holes.
Doppler Effect: The Doppler effect is observed in the relative motion between the source and the observer. This causes a change in the perceived frequency of the sound. As the source moves towards the observer the frequency appears higher (higher pitch) and as the source moves further it appears lower (lower pitch). Together, these properties contribute to the richness and variety of sounds we perceive in our environment.


Here are some general characteristics:
Sound waves: Sound travels in the form of waves, which are vibrations or oscillations that move through a medium. These waves carry energy from a source to a receiver.
Speed: Sound waves travel at different speeds depending on the medium in which they travel. For instance, it travels rapidly through solids compared to through liquids and more quickly throughout liquids than via gases. In general, it travels fastest in solids and slowest in gases.
Pitch: Pitch is the subjective perception of how loud or soft a sound is. It is determined by the frequency of the wave. Higher frequencies are perceived as higher pitches and lower frequencies are perceived as lower pitches.
Loudness: Loudness refers to the subjective perception of the loudness or amplitude of a sound. It is determined by the size of the wave. Larger amplitudes correspond to louder sounds and smaller amplitudes correspond to softer sounds.
Timbre: Timbre, also known as color or tonal quality, describes the unique characteristics of a sound that help us distinguish it from other sounds. Timbre is determined by the presence and relative strength of various overtones.
Decibels: Decibels (dB) is a unit of measurement used to quantify the loudness or power level. The decibel scale is logarithmic, meaning that a small change in the decibel value corresponds to a large change in the loudness. The human threshold of hearing is about 0 dB and prolonged exposure above 85 dB can damage the ears.
Reflection: Sound waves can bounce off surfaces when they collide, creating a reflection. Reflection can cause phenomena such as echo and reverberation, where sound waves are reflected many times before scattering.
Absorption: When sound waves hit certain materials, such as soft surfaces or acoustic panels, they can be absorbed. Absorption reduces reverberation and reverberation of waves, resulting in a brighter, less reverberant environment.
Interference: When two or more waves overlap, they can interact and interfere with each other. Constructive interference occurs when waves combine to produce a louder sound, while destructive interference occurs when waves cancel each other, resulting in a softer sound.
Resonance: Resonance refers to the phenomenon when an object or medium vibrates at its own frequency in response to an external wave. This can amplify the sound and create a sustained or amplified effect.
Newton's Formula:
 The scientist Newton proposed a formula to calculate the speed of sound in a medium. The speed in all three media - solid, liquid, and gaseous - has been determined. 
v = √E.P
E = elastic modulus of the medium
P = average density 
In Solid Medium:
Sound travels faster in solids. The formula for calculating the speed in a solid medium is
v = √P.Y
P = Young's modulus of the solid material
Y = average density 
In Liquid Medium:
 v = √P.B
P= mass modulus of the fluid 
B = density of the liquid 
Speed  in Gaseous Medium:
Newton regarded the propagation of sound waves in a gaseous medium as an isothermal process.
PV = Constant.
He then derived the formula for the speed of sound in gases
The speed of sound in a gaseous media is not thought to be best calculated using this formula. The method for estimating the speed of a sound wave in a gaseous medium was subsequently altered by Laplace, who also offered a new formula.

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